






Rebranding can either be 'Evolutionary' or 'Revolutionary' but regardless of the process, the intention for rebranding is always the same: To differentiate the business or service in the minds of their target market.' With respect to this authentic statement, GLAM MODEL MANAGEMENT has just re-branded into IRIS MODEL MANAGEMENT.
GLAM MODEL MANAGEMENT was founded in 2013 with the objectives of nurturing talented Models and giving them an opportunity to achieve their various dreams on big platforms worldwide. After months of outcry by her fans, Sponsors and Partners on social media, emails and even phone calls to change her name due to numerous theft she has suffered in the past, the team decided this was the right time to apply that change and thus the unique IRIS MODEL MANAGEMENT was born. Speaking to Journalists at the PRESS RELEASE, CEO of IRIS MODEL MANAGEMENT spoke on one of the reasons for this massive change:
"After making GLAM MODEL MANAGEMENT a huge success and a household name in MODELLING, we realized many individuals and even Top Organizations were using the name GLAM. Our clients started feeling uncomfortable due to the fear of being deluded by other fake persons pretending to be us.” 

She also added:
 “I believe Models are born and not made hence, after a detailed research my team had to release flippant models. Currently we have 15 dedicated and hardworking models and we are ready to provide the necessary support they need. We are also planning a debut event very soon and also want to use this opportunity to thank all our Fans, Sponsors, Partners and all those who have supported us in the past and assure you of more quality services”. 

IRIS MODELS MANAGEMENT scout, train and provide Top Fashion Models, Quality Editorial Models, experienced Event Staffs, Classic Commercial Models, Event Production/Management,etc You can reach us through any of the channels below:
TWITTER: @irismodelmgt
MOBILE: 08064507728

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Dope,Talented and Multi-Tasking Genius
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