






The General Overseer of the HouseHold Of God Church and the Former Presidential Candidate in 2011 General Elections made Outrageous Statement that All Catholics must go to Hell because they worship Satan and are led by an Anti-Christ Pope who is a friend to the devil.According to Reports by PM News,the controversial Man of God said the Catholic church is “a counterfeit church set up by Satan”. He further explained that Catholics “bow to idols and crucify Jesus every Sunday when they eat bread claiming they are eating Jesus’ body”.Read some Key Statements he made below:
“They are not Christians and have never been”
‘They don’t know Jesus. They believe that when they eat bread on Sundays, they are eating the body of Jesus. It’s ritual”
“The Pope (Francis) is an Anti-Christ and the Catholic church will soon declare for Satan. This is the end of times”
“Catholics will go to hell”
“They don’t believe in heaven. They believe in purgatory, the purgatory that they invented”
“That church has been there for Satan and at the right time, they will declare Satan”.
The statements left members of his church stunned and completely lost for words.What is Christianity turning to?

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