Only one person tried to stop him. One spectator said “If a man says he’s going to do something, he needs to do it,” and another said “Come on, are you ready yet? Go on – do it.” Speaking on the incident, a police spokesperson said “It is beyond belief that people could watch this as a form of entertainment. We will be investigating everyone who watched this incident, especially those who urged him to carry it out who may be guilty of negligent homicide.”
Man Commits Suicide Live on Skype while Spectators Watch
Only one person tried to stop him. One spectator said “If a man says he’s going to do something, he needs to do it,” and another said “Come on, are you ready yet? Go on – do it.” Speaking on the incident, a police spokesperson said “It is beyond belief that people could watch this as a form of entertainment. We will be investigating everyone who watched this incident, especially those who urged him to carry it out who may be guilty of negligent homicide.”

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