







         On july 4, 1798 Dr. Timothy Dwight, President of Yale University, delivered a discourse where he outlined the doctrine of the Illuminati: “ In society of the Illuminati doctrine were taught such as: The begin of God was denied and ridiculed;…..Adultery, assassination, poisoning and other crimes were taught as lawful and virtuous actions. To crown such a system of falsehood and horror all means were declared to be lawful, provided the end was good…. Of the goodness of the end every man is to judge for himself. The great and good ends proposed by the Illuminati are the overthrow of RELIGION and GOVERNMENT. With unmerited zeal and diligence the member insinuated themselves into every place of power and trust, and into every literary, political and friendly society; engrossed as much as possible the education of youth, became licensers of press, and directors of every literary journal”

        Another secret society that is bent on creating a Godless society is the Rhodes Scholar; this group was initiated by Cecil Rhodes in 1891. Rhodes’ mentor at Oxford University was John Ruskin who was a reputedly a student of the illuminati. The objectives of Cecil Rhodes remain the same like any other secret society. Part of his plan was “ to take over the government of the whole world”. One of the most prominent members of this group is Bill Clinton former president of the U.S. Other secret society involved in the creation of a Godless society includes Skull & Bones prominent member of this group include former president George W. Bush, like father former President of U.S George W. H. Bush (Snr) and his grandfather, Prescott Sheldon Bush.

       The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is another powerful organization bent on creating a Godless society; the organization was put together by J.P Morgan in 1921. Since 1941 the members of this organization have controlled both of the United States major political parties, and the foreign and domestic policies of United states. Also since 1953, all but one American Secretary of State, all but one Director of the CIA and every chairman of the Federal Reserve System have come from the membership rolls of the CFR. In addition, prior to the election of George W. Bush (snr), six of the United States last nine presidents have been members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

     The list could go on and on but their objectives is the same secret society, control of public opinion, establishment of a world government and elimination of religion which will lead to the birth of a Godless society as outlined in the new world order.

    Without any shade of doubts, the ultimate aim of the Masons is to "dominate the world affairs and the formation of a one-world government; however, it has to be done in a shadowy way; so that it will not be directly linked to them. For this, the Masons have set up a grand master plan for the attainment of their objectives with the creation of the United Nations (U.N) in October 1945 an organization that has sought to create a Godless society thereby declaring war against ALLAH the Lawgiver. After the creation of the United Nations, Ben Gurjon -a jew and the first Prime Minister of Israel had predicted in 1962 that Israel would one day sit atop a one world government. He was quoted in Look Magazine of January 16, 1962 Thus: "in Jerusalem, the UN {a truly UN) will build a shrine of the prophet to serve the Federated Union of all Continents; this will be the seat or the supreme court of mankind”. The implication of this is that the Jew will control the UN just as we are witnessing today.

     Unknown to many, the UN was created to achieve the aim of the Masons which is global domination, however, the UN has constantly claimed that it is not a world government; evidence however abounds to affirm and confirm that the UN is a world government that is directing the affairs of the world in accordance with the plan of the Masons under the scrutiny of the Jews. A Jewish Lawyer attests to the fact that: “The UN is Zionism. It is the super government mentioned many times in the protocol of the learned elders of the Zion”.

     To further confirm the Masonic manoeuvring of the UN, the Security Council, which is the decision making organ of the UN, has 15 members, 5 of which are permanent members of the Council they include China, Russia, France, U K and the U S these members have the power to veto any decision by the Council. It should however be noted that France, United Kingdom and United States are the strong hold of the Masons. With the fall of communism in Russia, the masons now have unquestionable power to direct the affairs of the UN, thus any decision that is not in conformity with the plan of the Masons will be vetoed.

     If you are still in doubts about the fact that the UN is a world government that has sought to create a Godless society thereby declaring war against ALLAH, I would invite you to consider the statement of Mr. Kofi Annan the then Secretary General of the UN in his address to the Millennium Summit of the UN which was tagged: We the peoples - the role of the UN in the 21" century" which was held between September, 6-8, 2000. He stated: "The UN is more than a mere tool, however, its charter makes clear the UN was intended to introduce new principles into international relation, making a qualitative difference to their day-to-day conduct. The charter's very first Article defines our purpose: Resolving disputes by peaceful means; devising co-operative solution to economic, social, culture and humanitarian problems, and broadly encouraging behaviour in conformity with the principles of justice and international taw. In other words, quite apart from whatever practical tasks the UN is asked to perform, it has the method by which the world affair is managed". Furthermore, he said that:" The challenge of the UN when it was inaugurated was to rebuild a viable international order ” Also in December 1992 the President of the General Assembly of the UN declared that the UN must become a functional world parliament."

     Therefore, the UN is a world government, if not, the organization should have nothing doing with "the method by which the "world affairs is managed", neither should it "build a variable international order" nor should it be encouraging behaviour in conformity with the principles of justice and international Law". On May 27 1999 the UN International Criminal Tribunal indicted Yugoslavia President Slobodan Milosevic, Umar Ai Bashar of Sudan, Uhuru Kenyata of Kenya, Charles Taylor of Liberia for "crime against humanity and violations of the laws and customs of war". Those who doubt that we are moving towards a world government should ask themselves how the UN International Criminal court can indict the elected Head of State of a sovereign nation and claim the right to pursue him anywhere in the world. The truth is that the UN is a world government but they only distort information and make it seem to the general public that the UN is otherwise.

      The facilitate the governance of the world, thus establishing a New World order the Masonic UN has set up different organs such as The World Bank, IMF (International Monetary Fund), WTO (World Trade Organization), UNESCO (United Nation Education Scientific And Cultural Organization) and WHO Organization) among others. All these (World Health organizations are working hands in gloves for the establishment of New World Order. Although this is a very big task for the Masons, however they are trying to achieve this by creating a New Economic Order: New Political Order, New Sotio-Cultural Order, New Religious Order, New Technological Order, and a New Military Order. All these equal one thing: the creation of a Godless society, which is akin to declaring war against ALLAH.


       In a bid to control the economy of the world, which is pertinent to their cause of world domination they must first destroy the economy of the third world countries " The reason why the mason have to destroy the economy of the third world countries burns out of the fact that they recognize the potential threat the third world economy will pose to their cause, due to the fact that these countries sit on three-quarters of the world's natural resources cum the needed human resource in terms of population These, put together, pose a threat to the Masonic West, hence to checkmate their perceived fear they most necessarily destroy the economies of these countries.

     This they have achieved through the World Bank and IMF-the world’s leading financial institutions, which provide loans to these countries. This fact was also alluded to by Susan Geor in her book( How The Other Half Dies”, she wrote that “the IMF were created to keep the third world countries as close as possible to poverty, using debt as an effective weapon'. These loans came with inescapable conditions insensitive to the individuals and cultural needs of the countries involved: conditions which possessed the ambition .of transforming the entire society, setting a new set of Westernized social goals, programmes that have since devastated the lives of millions of people. These loans tap into the very core of the country’s social, political and financial infrastructure and spread like a disease to its people. The main incentive of the bank's loans is to liberalize the rules and regulations of the country in a direction favourable to the Masonic West. With all types of loans and capacity to coordinate them strategically, the World Bank controls many aspects of investment, institutional development and public policy in nearly a hundred and fifty nations, thus making the World Bank rich indeed and playing a role that cannot only be termed a government within a government but, a government above a government. The debt-ridden developing countries cannot even move an inch outside the prescription and programme of the World Bank and IMF else they risk sanctions by the Western government, which will ultimately lead to a situation whereby their people will live in misery and squalor.

    Some of the conditions that come with these loans include liberalization, cut in government spending, increased taxes, privatization of public companies, the lifting of restrictions and various privileges and guarantees for the TNC’s (Transnational corporation) For example, Nigeria will have no choice other than to deregulate its oil sector and privatize it’s public companies, thus making more money for the Masonic foreign investors. Hence the control of the county's economy will he in the hands of few individuals and the relevance of the government will be put to question.

     To look after the trade and business investments, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been established as a UN agency being an economic weapon of the Masonic West. There is no doubt that in the trade and commerce domian, the WTO is going to play the same role the World BANK and IMF have been doing in the development and investment field of the world economy. One of the session of the WTO held in Singapore (1996) resulted in the “Information Technology Agreement” (ITA) under which tariffs will be eliminated. Over $500,000 Million in products and again a WTO negotiation was completed in which 68 counties agreed to open their communication service market to competition and international trade. This decision will create one world market for communication service and will expose the weaker economies to unequal competition that will give a permanent upper hand to the Masonic West in this business and product. Also the agreement on Textile and Clothing (ATC). which came into force on January 1st, 1995 is a 10-year transitional agreement with a program to gradually integrate textile and clothing products.Thus, by 2005, textile and clothing products shall be free of any quota or tariff. Same is being done for other sectors of the economy.

      No doubt, the IMF, World Bank and WTO are agencies determining those economic policies and institution that are serving the West. In this way, the West is trying to globalize national economies under one order, THE NEW WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER, to be controlled by the Masonic West.

Part of the goal of the new world order is the unipolarisation of politics. The masons have carefully laid a strong foundation for the realization of this goal. This foundation is the democratization of most if not all the countries of the world. With the fall of USSR (a Masonic catalyzed fall), there seems to be no opposition to capitalist democracy. And with this the masons' can further advanced their plans for me new political order.

     With democracy fully established, manipulation of the countries of the world has been very easy for the masons. These new democratic nations now look unto the UK and US (which are Masonically controlled) as models and try to adjust to look like a real caricature of the West. On March 25th 1957 European Economic Community (EEC) was created to serve as a testing ground for the new world order. Having realized the success of the EEC, the masons then sought to create other regional bloc. America and Mexico are currently the only two members of NAFTA- The North America Free Trade Agreement in Quebec, Canada, April 2001 during the conference of the Americans it was concluded that a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) should be created. It will however, take effect from the year 2005. However, Cuba was not included in the agreement because of its non-democratic status, which is against the Masonic agenda.

      Also in June 2001 the Africa Union was born which is expected to be a replica of the European Union. Efforts are also on to have something of such in the Asian continent. At the end of the day there will be only four countries (Super States) in the world - Europe, America, Africa and Asia. All these would mean that in these four Super States there would be one Currency, one Economy, and one Government. With Masonic Super state firmly established in Europe, America and Africa, global union will be a logical and easy progression. Thus the emergence of a one-world leader will be easily accomplished. Hence the masons would have finally achieved their aim of world domination.


     The most effective means the masons are using to bring about globalization, that is world denomination, is through the new wave of advancement in information technology and transport technology. With these the masons have been able to conquer and demystify time and space. In other words geographical distance and time have been emasculated. Through the super sonic transportation and information super highway the masons have compressed the world into a single small entity called the global village thus; making the governance of the world like that of a small village. Through the Internet, the Masonic west is holding a grip on the thinking and ways of lives of millions of people. The world is now adopting the west's scientific and technological concepts arid vocabulary. It is said that over 95% of what goes on the Internet is in English, so what was once an exclusive possession of the west has now become the collective inheritance of the world.

      In addition, the Masonic west is imposing all its values: political, Socio-cultural, Economic, Educational and lots more on the populace of the world. All sorts of vulgar attitudes, homosexuality, pornography, lewdness are now being disseminated to the whole world, right from the corner of your room you can watch the worst of pornography films courtesy of the new world technological order. With the advancement in technology order, an individual's actions can now be monitored, controlled and manipulated in the way the mason’s desire. Consequently, if care is not taken, this villainous act of the Masonic west shall soon consume the whole of humanity.


      Having put in place the economic, political, technological, socio-cultural cum religious order, the Masons realized that they needed a military order to checkmate any uprising that will affect their cause and to equally use their army to cause uprising or chaos where they deem it fit.

      Consequent upon this, the UN, which is the supreme body for the implementation of the new world order now has its own army, "which it operates and Billions of dollars is being spent to maintain the force. Far from its claim of peace making the United Nations has instead spread corruption in the land, leaving a trail of death and destruction wherever it has gone. They are indeed above all laws and are free to commit any crime or atrocities they wanted, in as much as it is to achieve the Masonic agenda. The consequences and devastation of their so called peace keeping in the gulf war, Bosnia, Somalia and, the Kosovo, Chechnya, and more recently Liberia, Mali, Congo and Southern Sudan among others, still leaves tales of woes in the memory of the occupant of these places, majority being Muslims.

     At the regional level, there is already in place NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). In conjunction with the United Nations, they have become the police of the world with the United States spear heading the cause. They go all about in the name of peace making but they are indeed peace breakers. The European Union (EU) is also about concluding plans to have its own military the force tagged “Strike Force”, the force will be on ground to protect their interests when and where necessary.

     The United States of America which has now assumed the position of the world super power with the fall of the USSR cum the fact that it is the base of the masons with George Bush (jnr) former president leading the attack is planning to build a Missile Defence Shield that will span the entire air space of the US. The justification for this is to protect the US from the aggression of the so-called terrorist's countries and individuals.

     With all this in place, the masons may have finally concluded their plan of world domination.


     Having set all machinery in motion towards the attainment of their goal-global domination. The masons however have an enemy to contend with, an enemy that they recognized as the only stumbling block to their cause and that enemy is non-other than ISLAM.

     The freemasonic westerners are happy with the absence of effective political standing of religion, but at the same time they are afraid to see the Islamic revival. Already, they placed ISLAM as an opponent of the new world order.

    Of all the religions, ISLAM, being a complete code of life, occupies a special position even in the eyes of the west. No other religion has the potentialities to be man’s complete way of life and so no other religion has earned the hostility of today’s man-made concept. Godfrey Gansen’s article “ muslims and the modern world” under the column ‘ International Islam’ puts the matter in these words: “ Today ISLAM and the modern western world confront and challenge each other. No major religion poses such a challenge to the west. Not Christianity, which is part of the Western world and which has been eating up from within by the acids of the modernity. Not Hinduism and Buddhism, because their tradition to the west has been and is on high, external plane. And not Judaism, which is too small and tribal a faith. No guru, no swami, no lama, no rabbi has had any impacts on the west comparable to that exerted by the caliph” 

Baba Ali Mustapha
Deputy Director
Department Planning and Research
Ministry of Environment
Borno State

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