Huntington in his widely read article about the coming “Clash of Civilization” in the Foreign Affairs Journal in the summer of 1993 identified eight confronting civilization. Of the eight, he rejected five, as they never would become players on the world stage. One among the three is Confucian Civilization, which is no way equal to Islamic and Western civilization. So Islam, according to Huntington, stands alone to confront the Western Civilization. Furthermore, in a book titled “Jews Animosity to Islam Movement” , Ben Gurion (Former Prime Minister of Israel) remarked that “We do no fear Socialism, Revolutionalism and Democraticism in this region, the only thing we fear is Islam, the giant has slept for so long”. The former Prime Minister of Britain, W.E Gladstone said one day in the parliament as brandished a copy of the Holy Quran, “As long as this Book remains, Europe would never be able to control the East. On the contrary, Europeans should never feel safe in their own homeland.
The former Italian Prime Minister was quoted thus; “It is true that the confrontation with Communism has come to an end but there is still another confrontation between the West and the Islamic world”. Also in a book titled "Out of Control” written by Zbigniew Brze-zink the former National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter ( Former U.S President) he remarked that “Right now, in the field of ideas, there is no potential idea or ideology that can take on a mass movement or re-invigorating element in human society other than ISLAM right now”. He went on further to say “All the ideologies and Philosophies have fallen by the way side but the vibraney of ISLMA is still present and manifest in itself”.
Each of the quotation mentioned above goes to confirm our thesis that ISLAM is the only stumbling block hindering the Masons from achieving their set objectives and this they recognize. In the recognition of this fact and knowing fully well that the Muslims will never bow to their devil and demonic plan and not forgetting that the progress of ISLAM is the decline of their New World Order, thus they have declared war against ISLAM.
In bid to destroy Islam so to set New World Order in place, the Masons have devised many ways to destroy ISLAM. Along the way they come to realized that they cannot and will not be able to do so, hence what they have opted for is to destroy the Muslims. If the Muslims were destroyed, the possibility of reviving the Islamic spirit will be put at bay, thus making it much easier to achieve their goal.
The Masons have set up a bold plan to destroy the Muslims. The methods they use vary but the goal is the same. These methods include propaganda warfare in which they use their well oiled and internationally heard Media machine to defame the character of Islam and Muslims in particular. The print media is also not let out, a lot of books against Islam have been published and subsidies for wider coverage. Another method they use is the ideological warfare in which they sow the seed of discord among the Muslims with the aid of some unscrupulous Muslim leaders’ thereby setting up one Muslim country against another, or one group of organization against the leadership of the country. The result is what is witnessing today in the Muslim world, crisis in Syria, Libya, Mali, Egypt, creation of Al –Qaeda in Afghanistan, ISIS in Iraq/Kudish/Syria, Al-Shabab in Somalia/Kenya, Huosthis in Yemen, Bokoharam in some part of Nigeria, Chad, Niger and Cameroun.
As stated early, the Freemason have come to realize that the only stumbling block to their plan of world domination is Islam and against bit they have declared war. Considering the population of Muslims and their strategic location in the world, the war against the fastest growing religion in the world would have to be done covertly. The methods they have been using are different but the goals are the same. Example of the various warfare been used by Masons to combat Islam include Ideological, Intellectual and propaganda warfare among others.
Over the years, the Masic West under the leaderships of the United State have succeeded in branding Muslims as terrorists. By the mere mention of the word “terrorist” what will come to the mind of many is a man from Muslim world with beards and turban who obviously is a Muslim. This they were able to achieve through their well oiled media machine that is beamed worldwide.
In reality, we need to ask who is a terrorist? And what is terrorism? In a nutshell, a terrorist is somebody who uses violence or force to achieve political means. The two words that connect terrorism, that is, Violence and Force are alien to Islamic teaching. It should however be noted that what breeds terrorism are injustice and oppression and the only way for those that have been unjustly dealt with is a result to unconventional ways (terrorism) to revenge these injustice and oppression that were melted on them and this is not dependent on the religious inclination of the persons involved. However, when somebody who professes Islam tries to revenge the injustice that has been done on him, he is easily referred to as terrorist and the reverse is for a non-Muslim.
In 1995, when the Oklahoma City bombing took place, the United States pointed accusing fingers at “Muslims terrorist” but after investigation it happened that an American Christian named Timothy Mc Veigh was behind the crime, he was never called a terrorist. Moreover it was said that he was mentally derailed.
Also, on the 28th of September 2001, a man worked into Switzerland House of Assembly killing 14 people and later went on to kill himself. This was never terrorist act, but when a Palestinian commits such an act easily would be called terrorist. On October 4, 2001, a Russian Airline went down over the Black Sea after being hit by a missile fired by the Ukrainian force killing 78 people aboard. This incidence was called a tragic accident. Imagine if a Muslim country would have been a terrorist act. One would then ask why the double standard.
Despite all their plot to destroy the character of Muslim and the Islamic faith in general, the religion continue to wax stronger. In fact, it is the fastest growing religion in the world.
From all evidence available, Islam has spread it’s tentacles to ever nooks and cranny of the world even to the based of the Masons America and Europe. Information also reveals that Muslims have rose to very important position of authority in these countries even to the Parliament in places like England among others. This situation in on doubt have posed a threat to the Masonic plan despite all their plan to destroy Islam and Muslims.
With the situation on ground, the Masons have to result to some other methods to fight their enemy, this they have to do openly hence they needed every justification to carry out this plan so that all and sundry will give them the support to carry out this onslaught. The event of September 11, 2001, the bombing of the World Trade Centre was in no doubt enough evidence for the Masonic West to declare an all out against Islam.
Immediately the incidence happened, accusing fingers were pointed at Osama Bin Laden as the prime suspect and his Al-Qaeda Network but there were no concrete evidence to substantiate his involvement. The most comprehensive evidence the West have been able to come up with is the one Tony Blair (the then Prime Minister of Britain) presented to the British House of Common on Thursday October 4th 2001. That evidence clearly fell far short of admissibility in any court of law. The Guardian Newspaper of London, October 5th 2001 dismissed it as “almost worthless from a legal point of view”. The paper said although Bin Laden has been universally fingered in the September 11 attacks, “Most of the document which Tony Blair released at the start of Commons debate is entire circumstantial at best”. The Guardian cause Blair tried to hide behind a need to protect so called Intelligent Sources, to keep from the public evidence, which he said was specific enough to prove Bin Laden guilty. Furthermore, Geoffrey Rabertson, a Queens Counsel, and author of “Crime Against Humanity, the Struggle for Global Justice” agreed with the Guardian. Blair’s evidence he argued was not sufficient enough to declare Bin Laden guilty.
However, it remained to be asked who bombed the World Trade Centre? The reality of the situation is that the bombing of the Trade Centre was done by the Israel who obviously are Jew (the godfather of Freemason). But the media, which is being controlled by the same set of persons never reported the involvement of Israel in the bombing. Confirmed sources reported that on the day of the bombing, over four thousand Israel working in the Centre never showed up for work on that day. It was also reported that the Shabak Israel security apparatus prevented the then Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon from traveling to New York City to participate in festival organized by the Zionist Organisation in support of Israel. The next day after Sharon’s secretary announced that Sharon would not participate in the festival, the bombing took place.
It is obvious from the above that it could not have been coincidence that all those happened on the day of bombing. It however, shows that the Israeli were involved in the bombing of the Trade Centre. But the world media never reported these incidences because who controlled the media are the one involved in the bombing. It should however be noted that this is not the first time Israel would be doing something of such to turn American and indeed the whole world against the Muslims. In 1953, Israel bombed the United States Information Centre in Cairo, Egypt. They later admitted to the crime and said this was done to cause a rift between the United States of America and Egypt. Also in 1967, Israel armed forces attacked the U.S Navalship USS Liberty, killed 34 young American men, wounded 171 people and inflicted 821 rocket and machine-gun holes to blame the Arabs. USS Liberty survivors and many key US Government officials, including Former Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Ex-Joint Chief of Services Chairman Admiral Thomas Moorer have pointed out that the Israeli Military attack on USS Libertyship was no accident.
With the present situation, the Mason under the leadership of United States now have every justification to attack the Muslims under the guise that they are fighting terrorism. Immediately the September 11 attack, the then President of United State, George Bush (jnr) declared a crusade, and it is obvious that crusade is not synonymous with terrorism, but with faith and religion. This is another way of saying he is declaring war against the Muslims reminding us of what our predecessors witnessed in the hand of the Pope during the crusade of (1096 to 1291 AD). Furthermore, Berlusconi, the then Prime Minister of Italy, stated after that “Islam is inferior to the Western religion” and that Europe should reconstitute itself on the bases of it’s Christian roots”. All those are pointing to the fact that the Masonic West is declaring an all out War against Islam.
The September 11 2001 incidence has also placed Muslims in various part of the world in a very difficult situation. In Britain, the government has already prescribed 21 Islamic “Radical groups” and more may still be added to the list. In Belgium, the then Foreign Minister Lovis Michel voiced concern that his country has been to liberal in allowing Muslims (whom he called Fundamentalist) to operate and suggested that the government exercise some kind of control over their content. In Germany, the government has introduced a bill that permits officials to outlaw Islamic association formerly protected by religious privilege dating from 1964. Also in Italy, pamphlets were distributed featuring a picture of Osama Bin Laden and captioned “Illegal Immigrant means Islamic Terrorist”, meaning that Muslims will find it very difficult travelling to that country.
With this scenario, the Masons have succeeded in turning the world population against the Muslims.
It is obvious that the Freemasons are tailoring mankind toward destruction, the whole of humanity is heading for rocks thus the question that has often been asked will once again be asked; Who is going to rescue humanity from this Imminent Collapse? Without any demur of doubt, the Saviour is ISLAM. But the question is where are the Muslims to show this ISLAM to the world as the only viable alternative to the New World Order.
As an independent observer of International event and as a committed Muslim, I advice members of organization of Islamic State (OIS) about fifty four countries headed by Saudi Arabia and Iran to withdraw their membership of United Nation, the main organization created by the Mason to dominated the whole world and created a Godless society, before it is too late.
Deputy Director,
Department Planning and Research,
Ministry of Environment,
Borno State,
Reference For further reading, consult:
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