






       Enemies of Islam have been trying to annihilate Islam since the time of our Prophet. Today, Freemasons, Communists, Jews and Christians attack with various plans. Those attacks also have been pioneered by the British, who have employed all their imperial resources, treasures, armed forces, fleets, technology, politicians and writers in this base war of theirs. So they have demolished the World’s two greatest Muslim states that had been protectors of the Al as-Sunna, namely the Gurganiyya, a state in India and the Ottoman Islamic Empire, which had extended over three continents. Even in the present day West Africa, they destroyed Muslim Empire of Kanem-Borno, Sokoto Caliphate and Oyo. They have annihilated Islam’s valuable books in all countries and swept away Islamic teaching from many countries. In the Second World War, Communist were about to perish altogether, when they relieved a last-ditch British Succor, which helped then to regain their strength and spread all over the world. In 1917, British Prime Minister (1902-5) Jemes Balfour established the Zionist Organization, which worked for the reestablishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, a holy place for Muslims and the continuous support given to this organization by the British Government resulted in the establishment of state of Israel in 1366 (1947AD). It is the British Government again, that caused the establishment of the Wahhabite state in 1351 (1932AD) by delivering to the sons of Sa’ud the Arabian Peninsula they had grasped from the Ottomans. Thus, they dealt the biggest blow to Islam.

       Wahhabism was established by Muhammad Ibn Abdal-Wahhab. He was born in Huraimila in Najd in 1111(1699AD) and died in 1206 (1791AD). Formerly, he had been to Basra, Baghdad, Iran, India and Damascus with a view to travelling and trade. He was in Basra when, in 1125(1713AD), he succumbed to a snare set by Hempher, who was only one of the numerous British spies and served as to destroy Islam. He published the absurdities prepared by the spy in the name of Wahhabism. In the book Confessions of a British Spy give detailed information on the establishment Wahhabism. There he found and read books written by Ahmad Ibn Taimiyya of Harran (661-728 (1263-1378AD in Damascus), the content of which were incompatible with the Ahl as-Sunna. Being a very cunning person, he became known as Ash-Shaikh on Najdi. His book Kitab at-tawhid, which he prepared in cooperation with the British spy, was annotated by his grandson, Abdu-Rahman and was interpolated and published in Egypt with the title Fat’hal-Majib by a Wahhabi called Muhammad Hamid. Mohammed Abdul-Wahhab’s idea spread among villagers, the inhabitants of Dar’iyya and their chief Muhammed Ibn Su’ud. Those who accepted his ideas, which he termed Wahhabiya are called Wahhbis or Najdis, They increased in number and he imposed himself as the Qadi and MohammedIbn Su’ud as the amir (ruler). He declared it as a law that only their own descendent should succeed them.

       Abdulrrashid Ibrahim Efendi says in a passage entitled “The Hostility Of The British Towards Islam” in the second volume of Turkish book “Alam-Islam” pointed in Istanbul in 1328(1910AD) ‘it was the first aim of the British to abrogate the caliphate of Muslims as soon as possible’. It was a plot arranged by them to encourage crime and Turks to revolt against the Ottoman state so that they could demolish the caliphate. Their secret and tricky intention was seen clearly through the treaty of Paris. They exposed hosticiary in their hearts in the propositions which they made in the Lozan Treaty, which was held in 1923. Whatever the disguise, all the disasters that fell upon the Turks were always caused by the British. To destroy Islam had ever been the main political aim of the British politicians for they have always feared Islam. They have been using mercenary conscience to deceive Muslims. These treacherous and hypocritical people are presented by the British as Islamic Scholars. In short, the greatest enemy of Islam is the British.

       Not only were Muslim countries stained with blood by the British for hundred years but also scotch Freemasons deceived thousand of Muslims and religious men, made them Freemasons, and through such empty word as “helping humanity brotherhood”, caused to dissent from Islam and become apostates willing. In order to annihilate Islam thoroughly, they used these apostate Masans as tools. Thus Freemasons such as Mustafa Rashd Pasha, Ali Pasha, Faud Pasha, Mid-fat Pasha and Talat Pasha were used to demolish Islamic states. Freemasons such as Jamal Addin al-Afghani, Muhammad Abdul and novice trained by them were the cat’s paw in defiling and annihilating Islamic knowledge.

       Unfortunately, the poisonous ideas of Abdul, the chief of Cairo Masonic lodge, have spread ever in Jami’at-Azhar in Egypt; thus, in Egypt, there have appeared religion reformers, such as Rashis-Rida; Mustafa Al-Maraghi, rector of the Jami’al Azhar, Abdul-Majid as Salim, Mufti of Cairo; Mohmud ash Shaltut; Tantawi al Jawhari; Abdul-Raziq Pasha; Zaki al Mubarak; Farid al Wajdi; Abbas Aqqad; Ahamd Amini; Doctor Taha Husain Pasha; Qasim Amin; and Hasan al Banna. Even more unfortunately as was done their master “Abdul, those have been regarded as modern muslim scholars”, and their books have been translated into many languages. They have caused many ignorant religious men and young muslims to slip out of the right way.

       After Abdul’s death in Egypt in 1323(1905AD), the novices whom he trained in Egypt did not stay idle, of the hundred of destructive and subversive books written by those Masons, who occupied religious posts, the book Muhawarat by the Egyptian Rashid Rida has been translated into many languages and distributed in Islamic countries; with this method, they have been trying to defile muslims’ religion and faith. In this book he attacked, like his master, the four Madhhab of the Al-as-Sunna and, thinking of the Madhhabs as idealistic differences and misrepresenting the methods and conditions of Ijtihad as reactionary controversies, went so far into heresy as to say that they had broken Islamic unity. He simply made fun of millions of true muslims who have been following one of the four Madhhabs for a thousand years.

        BABA ALI MUSTAPHA is with the Department of Planning and Research, Ministry of Environment, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

       For further knowledge, consult the book “The Sunni Path” by Ahmed Cevdet Pasa. Published by Hakikat Kitabevi, ISTANBUL/TURKEY, October 2007.

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