The Code of Conduct Tribunal on Friday issued a bench warrant against the Senate President, Bukola Saraki. The tribunal ordered the Inspector General of Police and other security agencies to arrest and produce him in court on Monday. The tribunal judge, Justice Danladi Umar, gave the order in his ruling on preliminary objection to Saraki’s arraignment at the tribunal on a 13-count charge of alleged false declaration of assets. The tribunal refused appeal by Saraki’s lawyer, Joseph Daodu (SAN), to vacate its order for bench warrant, undertaking to personally ensure his (Saraki) appearance on Monday. The tribunal insisted on its orders and adjourned till Monday.
Court orders the arrest of Senate President Bukola Saraki
The Code of Conduct Tribunal on Friday issued a bench warrant against the Senate President, Bukola Saraki. The tribunal ordered the Inspector General of Police and other security agencies to arrest and produce him in court on Monday. The tribunal judge, Justice Danladi Umar, gave the order in his ruling on preliminary objection to Saraki’s arraignment at the tribunal on a 13-count charge of alleged false declaration of assets. The tribunal refused appeal by Saraki’s lawyer, Joseph Daodu (SAN), to vacate its order for bench warrant, undertaking to personally ensure his (Saraki) appearance on Monday. The tribunal insisted on its orders and adjourned till Monday.
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