Gentle men of the press, stakeholders here present, wishing you a warm afternoon. It gives me great pleasure today welcoming you to this press conference.
The idea behind the Queen of trust pageant is to search, and subsequently present to the world, young ladies with exceptional virtue and values. Through whom the organization will work with in fulfilling its strong humanitarian mandate.
Permit me to start by confirming to you that Queen of Trust is in the list of best pageantry in African, particularly in Nigeria. This, largely is due to the remarkable sincerity (sincerity is not cheap) we employ in the process of selecting our queen, our outstanding humanitarian services, the discipline and training we give to our contestants. It is also worthy to note that, Queen of trust is one of the few pageant in the world that has made public its scoring process. Of course, you know, Queen of trust pageant has maintained a remarkable consistency from 2009 to date. Within these years the event has grown into a world class event with all the glamour, style and class. The photos and videos from previous events will attest to this eloquently. I am also pleased to say that the Queen of trust pageant has won different awards. Notable amongst them is 'the most outstanding beauty pageant of the year 2014 and most recently best pageant of the year at the garden city fashion awards 2015'. Our pageant has also gotten lots of recognition and has attracted sponsorship and support from both public and private enterprises, as well as from well-meaning individuals.
Today, the 26th day of October 2015, the management and board of Queen of trust organization has made public their decision to rename our most esteemed and distinguished pageant. We do this; mindful of the fact that the name 'Queen of trust' is one that has become a brand and has been so popularized around the globe. But the management and board of the organization feels the need to give the event a strong National appeal, hence the change of name. The idea is to enable Nigerians easily associate and connect with the event; to ensure all Nigerians feel a sense of belonging as long as the event is concerned.
Ladies and gentle men, it’s my privilege as the PRESIDENT and C.E.O of the organization to unveil to you the new name. The event formerly known and called ' Queen of trust' beauty pageant will now be known and called THE NIGERIAN QUEEN (TNQ) It is our belief that this renaming will help place the event in proper perspective and position it as a National and not just a regional event. In line with this change, aspirants from the different geographical zones in Nigeria are welcomed and they can be sure of a free, fair and credible process, void of any form of discrimination. Our dream is to see that each year every Local Government in Nigeria is represented. We are proud to say that as an organization we believe in The Nigerian lady, the typical Nigeria lady is inherently courteous, respectful, self-confident and beautiful. We therefore present this as an opportunity for all Nigeria Ladies, within the age bracket required to strive to serve our Nation Nigeria as beauty queens. THE NIGERIAN QUEEN is not all about beauty, gift, money and fashion. The NIGERIAN QUEEN must be intelligent, smart, compassionate, bold and classy. This is necessary as they are strong ingredients to enable the queen meet up the strong demands that will be placed on her as queen, particularly our strong humanitarian mandate. So we will give all our best to develop the real woman in them.
THE NIGERIAN QUEEN Organization will also through the projects of our queens as they emerge, empower woman and youths all over Nigerian. We will encourage women and the less privileged in our society to be self confident and inspire them to continue to strive to be the best that they can be. I assure our teeming fans, sponsors and well wishers all over the world that this change of name is positive. It is an evident of growth and improvement. It is a sign that the event is getting better and bigger. Again, I assure you all that as a team we are equal to the task. So sit, relax and watch your favorite beauty event reach its peak.
Let me use this platform to inform everyone, most importantly to all beautiful Nigeria young ladies, The Nigerian Queen 2016 pageant will be highly competitive, Educating and with great fun, we are already putting plans in place to make 2016 a Reality, we are giving out two brand new cars as Star prizes for 2016, one for The Nigerian Queen and the other for the first runner up, because 2016 pageant will be very competitive so the first runner up deserve a worthy prize, we are also adding beauty for purpose, community service and City march as a major competitions for 2016, watch out for more details as we will official kick start sales of form before the end of Nov. 2015
Allow me to make use of this privilege to say a loud thank you to everyone that has worked so hard to see this dream grow into reality, the National director, deputy director, secretary, accountant, creative director, IT Manager, Media director, all state/regional coordinators, our sponsors, supporters, and to everyone present here today I say may the Good lord bless you all, bless the Nigerian Queen organization, and bless our country Nigeria.
Keep supporting and believing in what we do and we will not let your down. Thank you.
Interactive Photos from "The Nigerian Queen" Press Release:
The idea behind the Queen of trust pageant is to search, and subsequently present to the world, young ladies with exceptional virtue and values. Through whom the organization will work with in fulfilling its strong humanitarian mandate.
Permit me to start by confirming to you that Queen of Trust is in the list of best pageantry in African, particularly in Nigeria. This, largely is due to the remarkable sincerity (sincerity is not cheap) we employ in the process of selecting our queen, our outstanding humanitarian services, the discipline and training we give to our contestants. It is also worthy to note that, Queen of trust is one of the few pageant in the world that has made public its scoring process. Of course, you know, Queen of trust pageant has maintained a remarkable consistency from 2009 to date. Within these years the event has grown into a world class event with all the glamour, style and class. The photos and videos from previous events will attest to this eloquently. I am also pleased to say that the Queen of trust pageant has won different awards. Notable amongst them is 'the most outstanding beauty pageant of the year 2014 and most recently best pageant of the year at the garden city fashion awards 2015'. Our pageant has also gotten lots of recognition and has attracted sponsorship and support from both public and private enterprises, as well as from well-meaning individuals.
Ladies and gentle men, it’s my privilege as the PRESIDENT and C.E.O of the organization to unveil to you the new name. The event formerly known and called ' Queen of trust' beauty pageant will now be known and called THE NIGERIAN QUEEN (TNQ) It is our belief that this renaming will help place the event in proper perspective and position it as a National and not just a regional event. In line with this change, aspirants from the different geographical zones in Nigeria are welcomed and they can be sure of a free, fair and credible process, void of any form of discrimination. Our dream is to see that each year every Local Government in Nigeria is represented. We are proud to say that as an organization we believe in The Nigerian lady, the typical Nigeria lady is inherently courteous, respectful, self-confident and beautiful. We therefore present this as an opportunity for all Nigeria Ladies, within the age bracket required to strive to serve our Nation Nigeria as beauty queens. THE NIGERIAN QUEEN is not all about beauty, gift, money and fashion. The NIGERIAN QUEEN must be intelligent, smart, compassionate, bold and classy. This is necessary as they are strong ingredients to enable the queen meet up the strong demands that will be placed on her as queen, particularly our strong humanitarian mandate. So we will give all our best to develop the real woman in them.
THE NIGERIAN QUEEN Organization will also through the projects of our queens as they emerge, empower woman and youths all over Nigerian. We will encourage women and the less privileged in our society to be self confident and inspire them to continue to strive to be the best that they can be. I assure our teeming fans, sponsors and well wishers all over the world that this change of name is positive. It is an evident of growth and improvement. It is a sign that the event is getting better and bigger. Again, I assure you all that as a team we are equal to the task. So sit, relax and watch your favorite beauty event reach its peak.
Let me use this platform to inform everyone, most importantly to all beautiful Nigeria young ladies, The Nigerian Queen 2016 pageant will be highly competitive, Educating and with great fun, we are already putting plans in place to make 2016 a Reality, we are giving out two brand new cars as Star prizes for 2016, one for The Nigerian Queen and the other for the first runner up, because 2016 pageant will be very competitive so the first runner up deserve a worthy prize, we are also adding beauty for purpose, community service and City march as a major competitions for 2016, watch out for more details as we will official kick start sales of form before the end of Nov. 2015
Keep supporting and believing in what we do and we will not let your down. Thank you.
Interactive Photos from "The Nigerian Queen" Press Release:
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