






         Maulidi Nabiyi (Maulidi) is celebrated by both the Sunni (ahlal Sunna wal Jama’a) and the Shia Muslims throughout the Muslim world, to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Mohammed every year. It is usually observed in Rabi’al Auwal the third month of the Islamic calendar. For the reason known to them, the Wahabis (Najedis) locally known as the Izzalas in Nigeria did not observe this ceremony. To observe this ceremony with my fellow Muslims throughout the world this year, I put up this Sirra (biography) of the Prophet Muhammad.

His Infancy: 
         Muhammad, the son of an illustrious Arab family that was known for it’s religious accomplishments and political activities, was born in Mecca on Monday 12th of Rabi Awwal (April 20, 571 AD). His father died before his birth. According to the custom of the Arabs, Muhammad was sent to the desert for a few years away from the stifling climate of the town. It was the good luck of Halima of the tribe of Sa’ad, to serve as the wet nurse of Muhammad. In the desert, he learned patience and the tending sheep and goats. When he was four years old, Muhammad was handed back to his mother. Abdul-Muttallib, his grandfather lavished great care and affection on his grandson. When Muhammad lost his mother in his sixth year, he was taken to the house of his grandfather, who foresaw for him a splendid future. The grandfather died two years later, leaving him to care for by his uncle, Abu-Talib, who had always shown a fatherly interest in him.

His Childhood: 
         The affection bond between the young lad and his uncle was so strong that he often travelled with him on caravan journeys. Tradition said that when he was twelve he accompanied his uncle on a commercial journey to Syria, where they met a Syrian Monk called Bahira, who recognized in the youngman the characteristics of a Prophet. He advised his uncle to take care of Muhammad always and to mistrust especially the Jews who might do harm to him if they ever learned of the Prophetic mission he would be called to fulfill.

His Youth: 
         Muhammad spent his youth in his humble circumstances much of the time working as a shepherd. As he later pointed out, heading sheep was also the occupation of the other prophets, Musa and Dawud in particular, Muhammad never took part in pagan practices prevailing in Mecca, or in the worship of idols. From his childhood he endeared himself to all those around him by his manners and virtues. The more he grew in age the more his virtue and wisdom were recognized. As a young man, he distinguished himself by his refined manners, his extreme shyness, his absolute chastity and his avoidance of easy pleasure pursued by other youngmen of his community. All those who knew Muhammad showed complete confidence in him for he fully deserved the name for which he was called Al-Amin, which means the honest and reliable one. When he was twenty years old he was called to sit with the most venerable Sheiks of the Fodus league, an association which cared for the weak and helpless and sought assure peace between the tribes.

His marriage to Khadija: 
         When he reached twenty-five, Muhammad was engaged in a trading caravan to Syria by a prominent woman called Khadija. Khadija was a wealthy widow held in honour and esteem in Mecca. She was beautiful and had a good character. Muhammad, accompanied by MaySarah, Khadija’s servant made the trip to Syria and brought back fabulous profits. Maysarah, in his report to Khadija, said that Muhammad had displayed the highest degree of honesty. Khadija, impressed by Muhammad’s character did not hesitate to send a word conveying her wishes to marry Muhammad who was fifteen years younger than she. Muhammad paid Khadija twenty she camels as a bridal gift, and soon the marriage was concluded. She bore six children namely Al-Qasim, Abdullah, Zainab, Ruquyah, Um-Kulthum and Fatima. With the exception of Fatima he lost all his children during his lifetime. Muhammad in his married life revealed to his family and the community his excellent human qualities. The trade which he carried on with his wife’s funds kept them in comfortable circumstances, but he used his resources only as means of spreading happiness. For instance, in order to repay his uncle for having taken care of him in his youth, he took the responsibility for the upbringing of Abu-Talib’s son Ali.

His Manhood: 
         The most famous action of Muhammad between the time of his marriage and his mission came when he was thirty five years old. The Ka’bah, the Holy Shrine in Mecca was being rebuilt and when the time came to place the black stone (the revered angular stone of the traditional monument), there was a furious competition among the Arab tribes for the honour of lifting it into position. The controversy was about to break out into fight, which swords drawn, when Muhammad was seen to enter. The crowd started shouting “Al-Amin, Al-Amin!” and all submitted to the arbitration of the honest and reliable one. With his remarkable presence of mind and the impartiality which he always showed, Muhammad spread his coat on the ground, put the black stone on it, and asked the chiefs of the Principal tribe to grasp the edges of the coat and place it with his own hands, thus resolving the dispute and restoring harmony among the tribes. By the time Muhammad was physically, intellectually and morally a mature person, endowed with those characteristics which made him a leader throughout the rest of his life. His figure was taller than average, solidly built, with a large mouth with light separated teeth, black eyes set in a somewhat, bloodshot background, a white rosy skin and black wavy hair. His walk was lively yet dignified. He wore simple clothes which were always clean and well groomed. Muhammad was dissatisfied with the superstitions and pagan practices prevailing in Mecca. He often wondered how his countrymen could in no way respond to their devotion. In his late thirties, Muhammad devoted himself to the worship of God according to the religion of Abraham. He was able to reach the truth spontaneously. He chose the cave of Hira, as a secluded place, away from the bustle and the noise of the city, for his solitary meditation. When he reached the age of forty he approached the decisive, divine event which brought a complete change in his life and the history of mankind.

The first sign of the prophetic vocation of Muhammad was the discovery that everything which he dreamed happened in his waking hours precisely as he had foreseen it. During his contemplation in the cave of Hira, on a hill outside Mecca, Muhammad reflected over the events of the day and night; the sun, the moon, the stars , the seas , the winds, and the living creatures which came and go. On the 17th of Ramadan (February, 610 AD) Muhammad received his first revelation. This revelation took the form of discussion between teacher and pupil, between the Archangel and Muhammad.

“Read” commanded Gabriel “I am not of those who know how to read” replied Muhammad. “Read” insisted Gabriel. “But how shall I read’ asked the astonished pupil. “Read” Insisted Gabriel. “What shall I read? Asked the solitary hermit. Gabriel then revealed the five verses of the Sura of Al-Alaq (the clot) which are; Read: In the name of your Lord who creates: Creates man from clot. Read and your Lord is the most generous. Who teaches by the pen. Teaches man that he knew not”. 

        This was the first fragment of the Quran. The angel then disappeared and Muhammad, completely overcome, did not realize the nature of the call. He felt as if he were suffering from fever. He reached home, went to bed and asked his wife to cover him. Khadija, his devoted wife, when she heard his story, assured him with wise and consoling words, ‘No’ she said “ do not worry”. God would surely not do you any harm nor heap shame upon you, for you have never done any harm. You always speak the truth, you help the feeble, you always assist those who suffer, for a just cause”. To comfort him further, Khadija accompanied him on a visit to her cousin. Waraqa Ibn Nawfal, who was familiar with the old scripture. When Waraqa heard the whole story he said to Muhammad; “This is good news which should fill you with rejoicing. No doubt you are the Prophet announced by Jesus. Oh that I could live with your countrymen will chase you from your country” “How is it” cried Muhammad, “that they will chase me from here?” “Of course” replied Waraqa, “never any man brought his fellow men what you brought with you without becoming the object of persecution and hostility.”

         Muhammad was convinced that what he used to dream about and what he had seen at the cave were not imaginary. He looked forward to further calls, and after three years of restlessness came the revelation that he was now appointed as the Messenger of God to deliver his message to mankind and to invite them to the truth, Gabriel conveyed later to Muhammad his responsibility: “Oh you who cover yourself carefully; get up and spread your announcement” (Sura 74,1,2) Thus Muhammad was not just to receive divine knowledge, he had to transmit it to people as well. To his role of Prophet was thus added that of Messenger. Muhammad’s career as the Messenger of Islam lasted for twenty years with ten years in Mecca before the Hijrah ( the migration from Mecca to Medina) and ten years at Medina before his death. He began his preaching in Mecca by discreetly speaking only to his intimate circles. Abubakr was the first man to be converted to Islam and Khadija was the first woman; Ali his cousin was the first youngman. The first foreigners were Zaid Ibn Harith, the Yemenite; Bilal Ibn Rabah, the Abyssinia and Suhaid Ibn Sinan, the Roman.

           Islam spread slowly in Mecca, privately at first and then in the tenth year before Hijrah, the calling to Islam became public. Muhammad was to preach to the people that God is One. He is the maker and creator; He is the Giver of life and the Bringer of death. There is none like Him. He is the Supreme. People should give up bowing and bending before stones. They should quit idol worship. The Prophet was to repeat; “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet and Messenger”. Those ideas alarmed the important people of Mecca. First because though simple, they struck at the root of their belief by denying all the old gods. Secondly, they called on people to break their old habit and tradition. Although the Prophet pursued his efforts cautiously, the advent of the religion soon became known. The leaders of Mecca were shocked. They could never think their idols being humiliated, or their old habit being criticized. Their prestige and superiority were based on the esteem according to the gods of whom they were the custodian and their favor able economic position was built on that religious prerogative.

         Moreover, they could not agree with the principles of equality or imagine that their slaves and labourers and women have independent personalities like themselves. They could not, therefore tolerate Muhammad’s religion although so far they had held him in great honour and respect. Although the Meccans did their best to stop the growth of Islamic call by the threat sometimes and inducement some other times the number of Muslims was then forty men and ten women and they met and prayed in secret. The conversion of such important people as Hamza and Umar in this year gave strong support and encouragement to the followers that they were able to perform their prayers openly near the Ka’bah and the new religion began to spread more rapidly. The increase of the number of Muslims aroused the Meccans redouble their violence and persecution. The Prophet, therefore allowed eighty three men and eighteen women of the persecuted Muslim to seek refuge with the King of Abyessinia Al-Najashi, who received them well and was himself converted to Islam. Fifteen persecuted Muslims had already been there.

         The Prophet himself became the target of conspiracy but was protected by the two family branches more closely related to him. Bunu Hashim and Banu Al-Muttalib, who rallied around him in the Hashimid quarter. The other branches and tribes there upon banded together in opposition and took a written oath to boycott the protecting quarter until Muhammad was handed over to them. They maintained their severe boycott for three years, abandoning it in the fourth year before the Hijrah. The ending of the boycott would have been a great relief to the Prophet if it had been that just at this time he suffered two cruel losses, the death of his uncle Abu Talib and shortly afterwards the death of his wife Khadija. The Prophet called this year “year of suffering”. When Muhammad lost the support which his afforded him in Mecca, he left the town to look elsewhere for allies and adherents. He spent ten successful days with the tribe of Thaqif, but as Al-Ta’if he was received badly and returned disappointed to Mecca.

        Toward the end of the third year before the Hijrah he saw a faint hope in six men from Medina. Those goodmen, who had come to Mecca to pay their respect to the Ka’bah, responded enthusiastically to his call and carried the whole message to Medina where they made many converts. Toward the end of the following year, five of those men from Medina with seven new converts visited the Prophet and took an oath to abstain from the bad habit, from all vile and to observe strict allegiance, confess their faith and declare their mission. They also promised to defend the Prophet and their Muslim brothers If they choose Medina as their refuge. This represents’ the first defence treaty in Islamic history.

          Before the Hijrah the Muslims did not form a nation or even a community. They did not even have a majority in Mecca. The Prophet prepared himself for the migration to Medina after he had been invited by the Medina people whom assured him that they would help him and fight for Islam. When the Prophet received God’s sanction for the Hijrah, he instructed his followers to migrate to Medina in small numbers. Quresysh suspecting the arrangement of Hijrah, especially after the disappearance of most of the Muslims from Mecca one after the other held an emergency meeting and decided to kill Muhammad. Abu Jahl, an important Mecca leader, suggested and his suggestion was agreed that a strongman should be chosen out of every tribe for the execution, and all men should strike a blow at Muhammad at once all together with sharp swords, so that his blood-shedding would never be the responsibility of a certain tribe. The warriors, when they came to attack Muhammad in his house, were surprised to find “ Ali Ibn Abi Talib there instead of Muhammad who had escaped already with Abu-Bakr to the cave of Thawar outside Mecca. The attacker traced the footprints to the cave, but did not suspect that Muhammad would be inside, for they found cobweb covering the entrance. They then came to conclusion that they might take refuge is some place nearby, and later on they abandoned their search in that area.

          In the cave of Thawr, Muhammad and Abu Bakr concealed themselves for three days and then secretly they made their way to Yathrib. The Muslims in Yathrib (Medina) who by then were numerous had gathered at the way of approach from Mecca. On the 24th of September 622, 12 Rabi’al Awwal of the first year of the Islamic era. Muhammad was seen coming with his party. The people of Yathrib accorded him a most enthusiastic welcome, chanting together with their women and children songs in his praise. The prophet built his mosque and a little house beside it. The Meccans who went to Yathrib and settled there were called Al Muhajirin (the emigrants) and the men and women of Yathrib were called Ansar(the helpers). From the beginning there was a great friendship between the two groups. The Ansar shared their wealth with the Meccans and lived with them. Muhammad’s in Medina was of an entirely new and original kind, it was at the same time absolute and consultative, theocratic and socialist, it based on revealed commandment and general rules. Muhammad spent the first year of his stay in Medina consolidating his position, inspiring his followers with the Islamic ideals and promoting strong tie of Islamic brotherhood between them. The practice of the five daily prayers which were performed regularly and congregationally in the Prophet’s mosque after ablution, and led by him, inspired the Muslim community of Medina with the virtue of unity, discipline, orderliness, obedience, forbearance, mutual love, punctuality and cleanliness. The ritual of the call to prayer, chanted from the top of the mosque in melodious voices of such people as Bilal Ibn Rabah captivated their ears and soften their hearts.

          In the second year of the Hijrah, the obligation of fasting in the month of Ramadan and of alms giving were instituted; and in the course of time periodical congregation similar to those of Friday were established. Since the Meccan commanded the trade routes and since they were wealthy and had influence, their hostility to Muhammad made the Prophet to be cautious. He began to steel the people of Medina for the coming inevitable struggle with the Meccans. He was a man of peace but he was not merely a preacher, he was appointed to play a great role to mankind, the role of the last and the greatest Messenger of God.

         The Muslims already left behind in the hand of their enemies of Mecca their houses and worldly goods. Since they wanted to get back their properties and to put an end to the persecution and violent which the enemies were inflicting upon their brethren in Mecca, they decided to strike at the root of two things: The Meccan and position. The Prophet sent a small patrol of Muslim with the order that the next caravan of Mecca which was escorted by fighters be attacked. Although the caravan escaped, when Abu Sufiyan the leader of the caravan realized the danger, the Muslims moved to fight the Meccans who came to rescue the caravan. The number of Muslims was only three hundred while the Meccans were about one thousand. At a place called Badr the two side met in one of the decisive battle of the world in (624 A.D) the second year of Hijrah.

         The Muslim swept the Meccans off the field and it was really a great victory over the meccans. Many prisoners were taken and the Prophet showed great diplomacy and foresight in treating them. He rejected vengeful advice and just held the Meccans to ransom or to teach Muslims reading and writing. This astonishing victory enormously enhanced the prestige of Muhammad throughout the Arabian world. From now on he was no longer fugitive, but a real force to be seriously considered. Muhammad humbly returned to Medina, full of gratitude and thank to his Lord who had helped him and his men in their difficult circumstances.


         The defeat of Badr was a blot on the honour of the Meccans of which they were greatly ashamed. So the next year, they attacked Medina with a large force which numbered 3000 fighters. The Muslim could only muster 700 armed men. The Prophet realizing the seriousness of the occasion, gave strict instruction to his followers. He laid the plan of the attack and defence. Ordering them to keep to their position unless told to move, but the inexperience Muslims forgot all those instructions in the excitement of the battle. They began to fight without plan, and they fell on the Meccan camp without making sure that the enemy had been readily defeated. The result was that the Meccans reserve, led by a brilliant commander, Khlid Ibn Al-Walid, came upon them suddenly and scattered them. The Prophet himself was wounded and he fell. A cry arose : The Prophet is slained”. This demoralized the Muslims further and many fled. The battle of Uhud ended in defeat, and the Muslims of Medina were shamed before their Prophet. But the Prophet was no ordinary man, he gathered his men together, read them a lecture, rebuked them for their folly, exhorted them to obey orders in future and led the chastened Medinite out to face the victorious Meccans once more.

          The enemies of Islam made every possible attempt to stir up the tribes against the Muslims. The Jews also took an active, if hidden, part in those intrigues. An army of ten thousand men, well equipped marched towards Medina, under the command of Abu Sufiyan. They encamped near Mount Uhud a few mile from the city. The Muslims could gather only a smaller army of three thousand men. The Muslims dug a deep ditch round the unprotected quarters of Medina and encamped outside the city. They realized for safety of the other side upon their allies the Quraiza, who possessed several fortresses at a short distance towards the south and were to assist the Muslims against any raiders. Those Jews, however, were induced by the idolators to violate their pledge and to join the Meccans. Although the situation of the Muslims was dangerous, the efforts of the enemy to cross the ditch was fiercely repulsed by the small Muslim force. Disunion was now rife in the midst of the besieging army. Their horses were perishing fast, and provisions were becoming less everyday. During the night time, a storm of wind and rain caused their tents to be overthrown and their light extinguished. Abu Sufiyan and the majority of his army fled away and the rest took refuge with the Quraiza. The Muslims though they were satisfied with the failure of their enemies could not help thinking that the victory was unsatisfactory as long as the Jews of Quraiza who had violated their sworn pledge, remained so near. The Jews might at anytime surprise Medina from their side.

         The Jews in the last battle showed their real attitude and tendencies. They violated their sworn pledge. Therefore, the Muslims could never trust them anymore. Even when the Muslims felt it their duty to demand an explanation of the violation of the pledge, the Jews utterly refused, and enhanced their hatred and increased their hostile activities against the Prophet. Consequently, the Jews were besieged by the Muslims and compelled to surrender. In the sixth year of Hijrah the Prophet had to conduct no less than fifteen expeditions in various direction to disband the aggressive attempts of the Jews against him. The last time the Jews fought Islam was at Khaybar, where thought it was a Jewish stronghold, the Muslims won. While this was the position of the Prophet towards the Jews who had violated their pledge with Muslims, the position of the Muslims towards the Christians was different.
         The Christians all over the Arabian Peninsula were treated by the Muslims kindly and they were safe and free. They could perform their devotions practiced freely without any interference from the Muslims. Their sanctuaries, properties and life were absolutely safe, while the Qur’an has condemned the Jewish attitude of infidelity and hatred towards the Muslims, it praised the Christians and their attitude of faithfulness and co-operation with the Muslims in (Sura 5:82) the Qur’an say; “Certainly you will find the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe (to be) the Jews and idolators. And you will find the nearest of them in affection to those who believe (to be) those who say we are Christians. That is because there are among them priests and Monks, and because they are not proud” (Sura 5:82).

THE TREATY OF HUDABIYA (628 A.D.) 6th Year of Hijrah 
         The Muslims victory over the Jews and Meccan encourage many Arabs to embrace Islam. Pilgrimage had been instituted during the previous year. Therefore, the Muslims decided to perform pilgrimage in the sixth year of Hijrah. The Prophet took a large number of Muslims to Mecca in order to perform Pilgrimage. They were interrupted and prevented by Qureysh from reaching Mecca. The Prophet had to camp with his men in a place called Hudabiya near Mecca. Messengers, travelled between Qureysh and Muhammad, and eventually a treaty was concluded with a ten year truce. There were conditions agreed by the two parties:
(1) Muslims should postpone their intention to pilgrimage till the next year.
(2) The muslims should undertake to return to Quresh anyone from Mecca who might escape to them without permission from his guardian.
(3) Qureysh were permitted to retain anyone who might join them from Muslim community.
(4) Muhammad is allowed to preach and convert the other Arabs to Islam whatever he likes.

         Infact this treaty was considered a great diplomatic victory for the Prophet; on one hand it was direct acknowledgement on the part of Qureysh that Muhammad was their equal. On the other hand, the Prophet availed himself of the period of peace and sent his messages and messengers throughout the Arabian Peninsula and even outside it. He sent messages to the Roman Emperor and to the Kings and Princes in Persia, Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen.

         The two years which followed the conclusion of the treaty Hudibiyah and which were relatively peacefully, witnessed events of great importance. On returning from Hudaibiyah, the Prophet without delay sent letters of invitation to the new faith to various leaders in all parts of Arabia and also some rulers abroad. They included messages to the rulers and princes of Byzantium, Egypt, Damascus, Persia, Bahrain, Abyssinia, Yamamah, Busra and Oman. Most of these rulers sent friendly replies and some retuned the Prophet’s ambassadors with valuable gifts. A few of them embraced Islam. The Muslim immigrant in Abyssinia were pleased to see the messengers who carried the message of the Prophet to the Negus. When they heard of the truce, they decided to join their brothers in Medina. Those invitation also were practical hint that the scope of Islam was not circumscribed by the boundaries of Arabia.

          The post-Meccan conquest era was a period of consolidation and construction. During this period, the Prophet developed further the system of his teaching and laid down many of it’s principles. He also completed the expansion of the faith throughout Arabia by peaceful means, thus creating for the first time a United Arabia. The model of the Islamic state which became the prototype of the forthcoming Islamic Empire was established. The ninth and tenth years of the Hijrah witnessed the arrival in Medina of many delegation from distant Arab tribes who came to declare their conversion and to pledge their loyalty. They were cordially met by the Prophet, who instructed them in religious matters, and sent each of them back with a teacher to guide them, to settle their disputes, to lead them in their prayers, to teach them the Qur’an and to represent the Prophet amongst them. On the other hand, the Prophet sent Messengers to invite other distant communities to embrace the new faith, thus establishing for the generation to come, the example of peaceful missionary work. A famous mission was that led by Ali Ibn Abu Talib sent to the tribe of Madhiji in the Yemen. Ali was instructed by the Prophet, invite them to the confession of Islam. If they do, teach them how to say five daily prayers; and do not demand of them any further. And do not fight them unless they fight you’,

           All those peaceful mission were successful. Through these missions, and through the delegations which called on the Prophet in Medina, allegiance to the authorities of the capital of Islam was pledged by all communities in all parts of Arabia. Thus the tribal system in the Arab Peninsula was largely dissolved, and the whole Arabian world became united under the leadership of Muhammad. Within this union, the Prophet laid down the foundations of the Islamic state. All the Arabs had become one large unit under a central authority with it’s Head quarters at Medina. He appointed viceroys and governors to rule the provinces and settle dispute justly on his behalf. He told them to follow the Quran, but if they did not find the solution for their questions therein they were ordered to follow his practice. If they still could not find the answer in either of those ways, they were permitted to use their own judgment.

             About the end of the seventh year of Hijrah the Meccans made a mistake. They violated the treaty of Al-Hudaibiya by attacking a tribe which was under Muslim Protection. The Prophet led a large army of Muslims (10,000 Strong) towards Mecca. By now the tide had turned, the Meccans were not strong enough to fight such an army commanded by a general such as the Prophet had turned out to be, and they laid down their arms. Their leader, Abu Sufiyan accepted Islam. His son Mu’awiyah, became one of the secretaries of the Prophet. The despised son of that ancient town had come back triumphant, but instead of being vindictive, this strangeman was kindness itself. He acted in a way new to the Arabs; he forgave his enemies. He destroyed the idols which lay in the Ka’bah but the first thing he did in the Ka’bah was to pray. He gave back the key of the Sacred home to the hereditary keepers and told the people to come in peace to him. This conduct delighted the Meccans. They considered this magnanimity of the Prophet the height of nobility and come forward to enter this astonishing religion which returned enmity with love.

             The ninth year of the Hijrah is known as the year of Embassies, as being the year in which the various tribe of Arabia submitted to the claim of the Prophet and sent embassies to render homage to him. The conquest of Mecca decided that fate of idolatry in Arabia. Now deputations began to arrive from all side to announce the acceptance of Islam by various tribes. Among the rest, five Princes of the tribe of Himyar professed Islam and sent ambassadors to notify the same. These were the Princes of Yemen, Uman and Yamama. It was also in the ninth year of the Hijrah that the Prophet ordered Abu Bakr, his closest disciple to lead the pilgrimage to Mecca and to proclaim that the approach of the Ka’bah from that time onward was to be forbidden to all pagans and polytheist.

              In the tenth year after the Hijrah the pilgrimage to Mecca was by the Prophet himself. This was known as “farewell pilgrimage” during which the Prophet received the divine message that his mission was fulfilled and foresaw that end of his life was near. “This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favour unto you, and have approved for you this religion Al –Islam” (Sura 5:3) Those who heard this sermon on ‘Arafa day in the tenth year of Hijrah recognized that they were hearing his last will and testament with great emphasis he reminded all human beings of their brotherly love, their common origin, their equality without distinction except means of virtue. With dear authority he commanded respect for the person, the family and for the property, with kindly compassion he recommended gentleness towards women.

             With great vision he enjoined listeners to retain and transmit his messages to all those who have not heard it, for he said ‘who knows? May be I shall not see you again after this year”. Finally addressing himself to the pilgrims who had come from all the surrounding countries in such numbers that they reached the horizon and spread over all the desert, he said, “God will ask you about me; did I transmit to you His message? “Yes! Yes!. Thereupon looking heaven and pointing his fingers, Muhammad prayed a loud voice “ My God be witness”. Less than three months after this sermon, on the twenty-fifth day of Rabi’Awwal (A.H.11) – June 7, 632 A.D) Muhammad’s soul returned to his eternal resting place.

          Baba Ali Mustapha is with the department of Planning Research and Statistics, Ministry of Environment, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

         Reference For further knowledge, you can consult the book “HADITH” by M. BASHIR SAMBO and MOHAMMAD HIGAB (1984).

         Published by ISLAMIC PUBLICATION BUREAU, 1369 Isolo road, Mushin, Lagos, Nigeria. Or 40 Sultan Bello Road, U/Sarkin Musalumi, Kaduna , Nigeria. Or 453, Airport Road, Commercial layout, Kano, Nigeria.

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  1. SALAM. Nice just your works and i must commend your works. Please keep it up. Umar (Saudi Arabia)

