






The Zionist regime likes to call Jerusalem the “permanent” capital of Israel. Perhaps, some Jews and their simple-minded supporters in the West take such Jargon to be serious talk, But those familiar with the history of al-Qods as Muslims venerate their first Qibla known for sure that one day the Zionists will be pushed out of this holy city of Islam and out of all Palestine, in like manner as the crown of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem rolled in the dust in 1187 after 88 years long year of occupation.

      What is needed is first and determination on the part of the Ummah for the next liberation. The secularist and the nationalists with their half-hearted and compromising approach have turned out to be a miserable flop. Hopes are now being pinned on the new generation and it’s rediscovery of Islam’s liberating values, because after all, al-Qods is first and foremost an Islamic issue, and not a purely “Arab” one as made out by those who are neither loyal to their religion nor their national cause.

      For the Muslim Ummah, it was and is, the major issues of confrontation with the enemies of Islam. Given the sensitivity of Qods for World Muslims the day might soon come when the last of the Israelis will be forced out of Palestine. It has happened before and God-willing will happen again, and this time with greater severity, in view of the barbaric nature of the Zionists.

      Those still in doubt, should read their history book carefully and learn what fate befell the occupants Qods in the middle ages. The crusaders and their occupation of Qods in 1099 when the Muslim world was deeply fragmented like our own days, as well as the liberation of the holy city over eight decades later under the Kurdish Sultan, Salahedin (Saladin to the Crusaders), when the Arabs, Turks, the Kurds and even the further-off Persians, closed ranks as Muslims, are too vivid events.

      Thus it is clear that the Palestinians or the Arabs alone cannot discharge this duty on their own. Other Muslims are also duty-bound to contribute to this holy task, and over the years, despite the compromising stance of the weak, the dubious and the traitors, coupled with the machination of the enemy to drive a wedge between the Arabs and the rest of the Muslims, the Ummah has stood steadfast on the question of it’s first Qibla. From Malaysia to Mauritania and from Seberia to South Africa. Qod is regarded as the major Islamic Issue.

      Looking back at history, we see how the fall of Jerusalem to the Trankish hordes in 1099 and their slaughter of 70,000 Muslims in the precincts of the al-Aqsa mosque evoked sympathy throughout the Muslim world. Abu’ – Muzaffar Abiwardi, the Iranian poet who lived in Abbasid Baghdad, composed a stirring elogy in Arabic a few stanzas of which are reproduced below:

We have mingled blood with flowing tear and there is no room left in us for pity. 

To shed tear is man’s worst weapon when the swords stir up the embers of war. 

Sons of Islam, behind you are battle in which heads rolled on your feet. 

Dare you slumber in the blessed shade of safety, where life is as soft as an orchad flower. 

How can the eyes sleep between the libes at a time of disaster that would weaken any sleeper? 

While your Syrian brothers can only sleep on the back of their charges or in vulture “bellies”. 

Must the foreigners feed on our ignomity, while you trail behind you the train of a pleasant life. Like men whose world is at peace.? 

When bold has been split when sweet girls must shame hide their lovely faces in their hands!. 

This is the war and the man who shuns the whirlpool to save his life shall grind his teeth in penitence. 

This is war, and the infidels swords is naked in his hands ready to be sheathed again in men’s neck and skull.

 This war, and he who lies in the tomb in Medina (the prophet) seem to raise his voice and cry “o sons of haslem”. ‘

I see my people to raise the lance against the enemy, I see the faith resting on feeble pillars. 

For fear of death the Muslims are evading the fire of battle, resusing to believe that death will surely strike them. 

Must the Arab champions then suffer with resignation, while the gallant Persians shut their eyes to their dishonor? 
      Abiwardi’s verse, despite the passing of several centuries, look surprisingly fresh as if they were composed only yesterday. If the word “sword” , “chargers” and “lance”were to be substituted with “machine guns”, ‘tanks; and ‘aircrafts’, the elogy could be called a description of the apathy of the rulers of modern Arab state and the aggressive “steamrollers policy” of the current occupiers of Qods, who are determined to outdo the crusaders in their crimes. Beginning with the Deir Yassin massacre of the late 1940s to the murder of Islamic Jihad leader like Dr. Fathr Shaqaqi and of the legendary Yahya Ayyash to mention the few, the Zionist path is paved with innocent blood. The February 1994 gunning down of hundreds of fasting Palestinians while in a state of prayer at the shrine of The Prophet Abraham , serve as an outstanding example of Israeli atrocities.

      The response to the occupation of Qods which Abiwardi lamented, come, but was slow due to the telecommunication satellites, the press, the television, the internet, the fuel powered means of conveyance which we enjoy today-how sad we do not make proper use of those modern amenities even in the cultural night. And when it finally built up, the “Arab Champions” and “gallant Persians” ( to use the poet’s words) along with the Kurds and Turks, rallied to the banner of Salaheddin to liberate their first Qibla from the usurpers in 1187.

      As contemporary historians attest, Salaheddin utilized the services of Khoraseni suppers to plan the assault and undermine the defence of the occupiers of Qods, while at seas he was assisted by the Egyptian navy to block aid from Europe to the occupiers. And when Qods was finally surrendered, the Muslims in contrast to the treatment of the crusaders over a century before, allowed safe passage to the occupiers to sail back to Europe hope to Zionists have the wisdom to start packing their bags and leave Palestine in peace. The news of the liberation of Jerusalem has been preserved for posterity by the contemporary historian Ibn Athir in his al-Kamel Fi-t-Tarikh as follows:

“So loud and piercing was the cry of Allah-O-Akbar (in liberated Qods) that a day that the earth shook. This joyful news spread far and wide bringing perfume to Rayy (Modern Tehran) and to the eveing conversation at Samarqand (in Modern Uzbekistan)”. 

      Thus, as a clear, the libration of Qods and Palestine was greeted with joy not only in Syria and Egypt but in Persia and far off central Asia.
      Of course, compromises and plots similar to what the PLO and certain Arab leaders are doing these days, occurred at that time also, but history does not remember the names of those who sold out Qods to the invaders from Europe. If it does, it only recalls in vivid terms the names of the brave and the interpid.

      The occupants fled in boats and ships as the so-called Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and the legitimacy it had tried to win by entering into treaties and accords with the compromisers of those days, vanished into thin air, God willing, the Zionist too, are one day going to meet a similar or perhaps a worst fate despite the gimmicks of peace talk and self rule.

      The word of the father of the Islamic Revolution are worth calling in this regard, Late Imam Khomeine said that if the world’s Muslim each pour a bucket of water, Israel will be drowned. Are the world 3 billion Muslims ready to contribute to this holy cause and in the process make the Naqib desert (called Negev by the occupiers) bloom green? Only time will tell.

      The Late Imam for his part, matched words with deed and his greatest service towards the cherished liberation of Qods was declaration of the last Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan. As “International Qods Day”.

      The detractors, as dictated by their overlords in the west, have since tried every trick to be little the significance of the Qod day, but failed. Today the wave set in motion by late Iman Khomeini is gradually gathering momentum as more and more Muslim around the world have started making the day in solidarity with their Palestinian brethren. The Palestinian opposed to the compromising plots have hailed the Qod day which this year fall on June 2016.

      Incidentally, the doom of Zionism is prophesied in Islamic book, which fact further enhance the importance of Qods Day and explains the plots of the west and the compromisers to undermine it. It is time our Arab Muslim brethren realized this underlying truth and closed ranks with the rest of Ummah to help make Islam’s First Qibla a place of freedom of worship for all believers.

      Baba Ali Mustapha is with the department of planning and Research, Ministry of Environment, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria 

      Reference: The research was based on the work of Abu Hashem published by ECHO of Islam in Islamic Republic of Iran.

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