Fasting is an institution which has been practised by different people in different time and places. The Qur’an says “O, You Believers and Faithfuls, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order that you may develop piety (Taqwa)” (2.183). In modern times, fasting has taken the two extreme forms of either ritualism and hunger strike or dieting. But Islamic fasting is different in the sense that if it does not emanate from and lead to piety and Taqwa, it cannot be regarded as fasting.
Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan. It is the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar calendar. Ramadan is the month of obligatory fasting. From the first glimpse of the crescent moon of Ramadan to the end of the Lunar month, every day of the month from dawn till dusk, total abstinence from eating, drinking, smoking and sexual intercourse is enjoined.
Because of the rotating pattern of the month of Ramadan may consider with the longest days
of the year. Thus, the fasting of Ramadan can be very challenging, requiring considerable stamina, will power, which, leads to strong discipline restraint, self sacrifice, determination, commitment and continuous struggle against all forms of evils. Fasting of Ramadan involves a whole number of onerous physical and spiritual obligation as well as mental and moral restrictions. It discourages moral laxity, permissiveness and mental weakness. It is a severe task. One can readily believe that in the month of Ramadan in hot and long summer days towards the end of the day, the majority of the fasting faithful are reflecting on Islamic restrictions concerning physical lust, desire and even comfort. But these are exactly some of the reasons why fasting of Ramadan leads the faithful to moral strength and discipline, physical fitness and discipline, mental agility, social awareness and spiritual satisfaction and fulfillment. Finally, if the world’s hungry masses and starving people are to be fed, then there is a need for self sacrifice and self discipline by those who are in a position to cultivate those virtues.
There are various aspects of Ramadan and fasting, some of which are as follows:
(1) The revelation and recollection of the Qur’an. Ramadan is the month during which Muhammad (S.A.W) began to receive the Divine Revelation. The climax of this is the Night. The Qur’an says “We (God) have indeed reveal it (the Qur’an, the message) in the Night of Blessing, Mercy and Power (Lailat al-Qadr (97:1). The climax of Ramadan is also the night of blessing and mercy.
(2) We can thus conclude that the second aspect of Ramadan is that the Night of Blessing and Mercy is in it. It has suggested that Lailat Qadr is alternatively the 21st, 23rd, 25th or the 27th night of Ramadan.
(3) Ramadan is the month of repentance, penitence and atonement for it is the month of continuous physical and mental struggle to please Allah to worship Him and to obtain the state of piety, righteousness and Divine consciousness. The Prophet (S.A.W) has said that “it is a month whose beginning is mercy, whose middle is forgiveness and whose end is freedom from sin and fire (Hell)”.
(4) It is the month of reconciliation, unity and solidarity amongst the faithful or they are the closet to the source of humanity in this month. It is the month of resolving quarrels, fostering closeness, and galvanizing the brotherhood of the Muslims. The Prophet (S.A.W) established brotherhood and fraternity amongst his followers and companions in this month after he was ordered to do so (Qur’an 49:10). This is why the Islamic Republic of Iran has proclaimed the last Friday of Ramadan as the day of Muslim solidarity and unity, day of Quds (Yaum al-Quds). It is the day of open challenge and war against all forms of aggression toward Islam and Muslims.
(5) It is the month of caring, sharing, charity, help and understanding and assisting the poor and the needy. Fasting partly involves saving food to be able to give it to the hungry and the starving people of the world. Sacrificing a part of one’s wealth and food in the interest of the poor and the needy id one of the most important aspects of Ramadan and fasting. The payment of Zakat al fitra (religious tax) at the end of Ramadan has been made incumbent upon all Muslims.
(6) It is the month of discipline and control, for fasting also implies control of one’s thoughts, actions, words, temper and infact of all kinds of things done by all the elements of which man is composed. The Prophet (S.A.W) has said “When you fast, let your ear fast, your eye and your tongue and your hand and every limb”. He also said “many anyone who fast get nothing from his/her fasting but hunger and thirst.
(7) It is the month of continuous physical, spiritual and mental struggle against all forms of evils against inner as well as outer enemies of one’s self and one’s community and enemies of Islam and the Muslims. The Prophet (S.A.W) undertook one of the most crucial battle of his life on defence of Islam, namely by the “battle of Badr” in this month. Let us bear in mind that fasting is one aspect of that perpetual, conscientious, struggle (Jihad) spoken in the Qur’an, “And as far those who engage in the perpectual struggle for our cause, we surely guide them in our path. And certainly Allah is with those who practice (righteousenss)” (29:69).
(8) Ramadan is the month which lead to one of the most important festive days of the Muslim community, Eid al Firt.
(9) It is the month in which the Prophet’s beloved wife, Khadija, and his uncle and protector Abu-Talib, the father of Ali, died and in which his grandson Hassan was born.
(10) And last but not learnt, it is the month in which Khalifa Ali was injured and Martyred. He was wounded on 19th and achieved Martyrdom on 21st of Ramadan of the year 40(A.H).
Baba Ali Mustapha is of Ngarannam ward former 7up deport, Bolori II, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.
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