







         Today’s Christians also believe in all past prophets, yet since they do not believe in the fact that Muhammad (alaihi-salam) is the Prophet for all mankind, they remain in disbelief and diverge from the truth. As for Jews since they do not believe in Isa (alaihi-salam) either, they remain twice as far from Islam.
         Since Jews and Christians believe that their present interpolated books are the same today as they were when they were sent down from heaven, they are called ahlah-kitab (disbelievers with heavenly books). It is permissible (but Makruh) to eat the animals they slaughter (if they mention the name of Allahu ta’ala as they slaughter them) and to marry their daughters with nikah. Polytheists (mushriks) and apostates (murtads) who do not believe in any prophet or book are called ‘disbelievers without a heavenly book’. Mulhids, too, are said to be in the same group. It is not permissible to marry their daughters or to eat the animals they slaughter.
         Isa (alaihi-salam) chose twelve of his companions to disseminate his religion after him; each of them was called a hawari (apostle, le Aporte, Apostel). They were Sham’um (Simon), Peter (Petros), Johanna (Jonannes), the elder Yaqub, Andreas (Andrew Peter’s brother), Philippus, Thomas, Bartholomew (Bartholomaus), Matiyya (Mathew), the younger Yaqub, Barnabas, Yahuda (Judas) and Thaddaeus (Kakobi). Yahuda became an apostate and Matya (Mathias) took his place. Petros was the chief of the apostles. These twelve believers, after Isa (alaihi-salam) had ascended to heaven at the age of thirty-three, propagated his religion. Yet the true teaching of the religion sent by Allah ta’ala could hold on only for eighty years. Later, Paul’s fibbed doctrines spread out everywhere. Paul was a Jew and did not believe in Isa (alaihi-salam). Yet, pretending to be a believer of Isa (alaihi-salam) and introducing himself as a religious scholar, he said that Isa (alahi-salam) was the son of Allah. He fibbed some other things and said that wine and pork were halat. He turned Nasara’s Qibla from the Ka’aba to the East where the sun rises. He said that Allahu ta’ala person (Dhat) was one and His Attributes were three.  These attributes were called Uqnum (hypostases). The words of this Jewish hypocrite were inserted into the earliest four books of the bible (the Gospels) especially into Luke’s book, and the Nasara parted into Groups. Seventy-two conflicting sects and books appeared. In the course of time, most of these sects were forgotten now they have only three major sects left.
         (Abdullah Ibn Abdullah at-Tarjuman, who had been a priest on Majora, one of the Spanish Balearic Islands and who changed his name after embracing Islam in Tunisia, writes:)
         ‘the four gospels were written by Mathew, Luke, Mark and John (Johanna). They were the first books to defile the Injil, Mathew a Palestinian had seen Isa (alaihi-salam) only in the year of his ascent to heaven. Eight years later he wrote the first gospel in which he narrated (the extraordinary event witnessed in Palestine when Isa (alaihi-salam) was born and how his mother Hadrat Mariam took him to Egypt when the Jewish King Herod wanted to kill her child. Hadrat Mariam passed away six years after her son had ascended to heaven and was buried in Jerusalem. Luke, who was from Antioch (Antakya), never saw Isa (alaihi-salam). He was converted to the religion of Isa (alaihi-salam) by the hypocrite Paul long after Isa (alaihi-salam) ascent to heaven. After been imbued with the poisonous idea of Paul, he wrote his gospel, changing Allahu ta’ala’s book (the injil) altogether, Mark too accepted the religion of Isa (alaihi-salam) after the ascension and wrote in Rome what he had heard from Petros under the name of the Injil. John was the son of Isa (alaihi-salam) aunt. He had seen Isa (alaihi-salam) several times. In those four gospels there are many incongruous passages.
         In the two books Diya alqulub and Shams al haqiqa by Tshak Efendi of Harput, who died in 1309 (1892AD). In the Arabic book As Sirat and Mustaqim by Hayderi-Zada Ibrahim Fasih, who died in 1299; in the Persian book Mizan al mawzin, by Najaf Ali Tabrizi, which was printed in Istanbul in 1288 and in the Arabic book Arradd al Jamil by al Imam al Ghazali, which was printed in Beirut in 1959, it is proven that the present copies of the Bible have been interpolated.
         A Gospel written by Barnabas, who wrote precisely what he saw and heard from Isa (alaihi-salam) was found and published in English in Pakistan in 1973. It was written in Qamus al alam, Barnabas was one of earliest apostles. He was a son of Mark’s uncle. He was Cypriot. He believed in Isa (alaihi-salam) soon after Paul came forward, with whom he travelled to Anatolia and Greece. He was martyred in Cyprus in year 63. He wrote a gospel and some other booklets. He is memorialized on the eleventh of June by Christians.
         Christians religious officials are called Clergymen. The highest ranking Orthodox clergyman is the Patriarch. Clergymen of an intermediate grade are called pastors. Those who read the Bible are called Qissis (Gospellers). Above the Qissis are Uskufs (Presbyters), who act as Muftis. Uskufs of higher grade are bishops, above whom are archbishops or metropolitans, who act as Qadis (Judges). Those who conduct the ritual prayer in church are called Jaselik (Cleric), below whom are the cures or the sham as (deacons) and those who serve in church are called eremites (hermits) or shamamisa (coenobites), who act as Muezzins. Those who have devoted themselves to worship are called Monks. Head of Catholic is the Pope (Father of Fathers) in Rome. His advisory prelate are called Cardinals.
         All these men of religious authorities of the past forgot the Oneness of Allah ta’ala. They invented the Trinity. After sometime, in the era of the Roman Emperor Claudius II (215-271), Vunus Shammas, the Patriarch of Antioch, declared the Oneness of Allahu ta’ala. He brought many people around to the right course. Yet later priest succeeding him relapsed to worshipping three gods. Constantine the Great (274-337) introduced idolatry into the religion of Isa (alaihi-salam). In 325, he convened 318 priests in a spiritual council in Nicea (Iznik) and made up a new Christian religion. In this council a Presbyter named Arius said that Allahu ta’ala is One and Isa (alaihi-salam) is His creature. Yet, Alexandius, chief of the council and the then Patriarch of Alexandria dismissed him from the church. Constantine the Great declared that Arius was a disbeliever and established the principles of Malakaiyya (Melchite) sect, this fact is written in the book Al-Milal wa n-nihal and in a history book by Jirjis Ibn al-Amid, a Byzantine Greek historian who lived through 601-671 AH (1205-1273, Damascus). In 381, second council was held in Constantinople (Istanbul), and Makdonius was accused of blasphemy because he had that Isa (alaihi-salam) is not the Rud al-quds (the Holy Ghost) but he is a creature. In 395, the then ROMAN Empire split into two. In 421, a third council was held in Constantinople, to scrutinize a book by Nestorius, the Patriarch of Constantinople, who said ‘Isa was a man. He cannot be worshipped. There exist only Uqnums. Allah is One. Of His attributes Existence, Life and Knowledge, the attribute life is the Ruhal-quds, the attribute knowledge penetrated into Isa and he became god. Mariam was not the mother of a god. She was the mother of a man. Isa was the son of Allah’. These ideas of his were accepted. The sect of Nestorius spread in oriental countries. Those who were in this sect were called Nesturis (Nestorians). In 431, a fourth council was held in Ephesus where Dioscorus’s ideas were accepted and Nestorids (d.439, Egypt) was accused of blasphemy. Twenty years later, 734 priests assembled at a fifth council in Kadikoy in 451, and the writing of Dioscorus, the Patriarch of Alexandria, were repudicted. Dioscorus ideas which were based on Isa (alaihi-salam) being a god, formed the monphysite, which was also called Yaqubiyya sect derived from the real name of Dioscorus Yaqub (Jacob) . Mercianus, the Byzantine Emperor of the time announced the decision of repudiation everywhere. Dioscorus fled and preached his beliefs in Jerusalem and Egypt. His followers worship Isa (alaihi-salam). Today’s Suryanis (Syria speaking Christians) and Maronites in Iraq. Syria and Lebanon belong to the Yaqubiyya sect.
         The sect accepted in the Kadikoy council and ratified by King Mercianus is called Malakaiya (Melchite). It is similar to the sect accepted in the first ecumenical council held in Nicea. Their chief is the Patriarch of Antich. They term the attributes knowledge and life as ‘Kalima’ (word) and ‘Ruh al-quds (The Holy Ghost), respectively, which are called ‘Uqnum’ when they unite with man, they have three gods: ‘father, the uqnum of existence, is one of them; Jesus is the son, Mary (Mariam) is a goddess. They called Isa (alaihi-salam) Jesus Christ. The seventy-two Christian sect are described in detail in the Arabic book Izhar-Ulhaqq and in the Turkish book Diya al qulub.
         All these sect were loyal to the Pope in Rome until 446 (1054AD). All of them were called Catholic. In 1054, Michael Cirolarus, Patriarch of Constantinople, broke away from the Pope and began to administer the Eastern churches independently. These churches are called Orthodox. They follow the Yaqubiyya sect. In 923 (1517AD) , the German Priest Luther revolted against the Pope in Rome and a number of churches followed him. They are called Protestants.
         As it seen most Christians are baser than Jews, because they both disbelieve Muhammad (alaihi-salam) and trespass against the subject of Uluhiyya (Divinity), they believe in the Trinity and worship Isa (alaihi-salam) and his mother Hadrat Mariam and divinize them, they also eat Maita flesh (Islam prescribes who to kill an edible animal. When it is not killed in the prescribed manner, its flesh becomes Maita, i.e. not edible). As for Jews they reject two prophets, but they know that Allahu ta’ala is One, and they do not eat Maita flesh. Nevertheless, Jews are more hostile towards Islam. Although a few Jews become Polytheist like Christian, by saying ‘Uzair (Ezra) was Allah’s son, they are all called ahal-kitab. The Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants read different versions of the Bible and claim that they follow Isa (alaihi-salam). However, each sect has many conflicting principles on creed and practice. All of them are called Nasara, Christian or ahalal-kitab. Jews think of themselves as being Musa’s (alaihi-salam) religion.
         In 1954, the population of the world was 2.444 billion. There were 322 million Muslims, 800 million Christians (128 million orthodox, 470 million catholic and 202 million protestants, 11 million Jews, and 1.311 billion Protestants and unbelievers who did not believe in any heavenly book or any prophet.
         Baba Ali Mustapha is with the Department of Planning and Research, Ministry of Environment, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

         For broader knowledge, consult , the book THE SUNNI PATH by Ahmed Cevdet Pasa, published by Hakikat Kitabevi Publication. Istanbul, Turkey.

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