Popular Nollywood actor and producer, Emeka Ike, has accused Rev. Chris Okotie of Household of God Church, as the one behind the ongoing crisis in his marriage.Emeka Ike claimed that, Pastor Okotie, has been encouraging his wife Suzanne to pursue with the divorce case. To make matter worse, Pastor Okotie even gave Suzanne N500, 000 to hire a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) to file for the case, he added. Yes, Pastor Chris Okotie just absolved (sic) my wife into his church without making any effort to get in touch with me. If, as a pastor, your church member is having issues with her husband, and you fail to do anything to resolve it, what kind of pastor are you? When I called him, he refused to pick my call. He also failed to react to a text message I sent to him. Is that a man of God? Even, if you have a police case, they will make an effort to hear from you before taking a position, not to talk of the church. I want the whole world to know because there is a lot of misinformation out there. The lawyer which Okotie hired for my wife is also frustrating every attempt I make to resolve the matter peacefully.”
However, Pastor Okotie media consultant, said Emeka Ike’s allegations were baseless: There is nothing to what he is saying. It is total rubbish. What is he saying? Why will the pastor be interested in his domestic issue? Will he say he wants to marry the woman? What kind of man will be saying that kind of things on the Internet? Why is it that each time any of them has any issue they always want to bring Okotie into it? Responding to the outburst will only make the guy feel important. The pastor can’t dignify him with any.
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