






This research is the concluding part of the research work that was posted on the internet on Thursday June, 2015 under, the title UNITED NATION UNDER THE CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL SECRET SOCIETY(MASONIC WEST). 

          Under the guise of individual right, women’ rights, social right , human rights and freedom of expression and association a new socio-cultural order based on secular value standard is being created. The women’s summit in Beijing, China (1995), the population and development in Cairo, Egypt (1995) and the world summit for social development in Copenhagen (1995) among others, and the propaganda dished out on the information super highway are leading the world towards accepting the new socio-cultural order. One of such propaganda is the deformation and misrepresentation of the Islamic culture in the popular image-denting movie “not without my Daughter”. This is just one out of the numerous films, cartoons and documentaries that is been used to defame the character of Muslims and Islam in general.

          The new order is set to create secular humanism. It is a kind of humanism that is projected to remain above all influence of religion and national culture. According to the new socio-cultural approach of the new world order, only secular humanism can satisfy the demands of the basic and unalienable human rights. On this basic, the Mosonic west, under the U.N initiate, is formulating an international value standard to have unipolar socio-cultural order for the whole world which will subjugate national cultures, values and religion of individuals.

          The intention of the Masonic west is very much reflected in the decision and declaration of summits at Cairo, Copenhagen, and Beijing. At the Copenhagen summit, the Head of State and government of 117 countries who were present agreed to the 10 points declaration among which they pledged that  such an economic, political, social, cultural and legal environment would be created that are needed for social development”. They further committed themselves to an improved  and strengthened framework of international, regional and sub-regional co-operation for social development in a spirit of partnership through the UN and other malnutrition institutions. It should however be noted that the social development that is meant is secular social development that refuses cultural and religious relevance.

          The declaration of Copenhagen summit has placed social development above all national, cultural , values and religious practice. Religious practice will be depended on the scope kindly allowed by social development programme. This clearly social development programme. This is clearly indicate a new international culture conductive to the so –called development based on secular humanism, that is human rights free from religious values.

          However ,the most disheartening aspect of the Copenhagen summit was that  many of the Muslim countries signed the decampment only Saudi-Arabia , Pakistan, Jordan and Egypt signed the document  with the condition that they will only abide by the portion of the declaration that does not oppose Islamic value. That not withstanding, this mild and defensive protests will not hinder the progress of unipolar culture in global form. However , the unipolarization of culture is a major component facilitating the NEW WORLD ORDER.

          Another significant steps towards the establishment of this New Socio-cultural order was taken at the United Nations General Assembly, when a resolution GA/RES/53/22 of 4th November 1998 was adopted, it was also carbonated by the resolution 54/113 of February 2000, which proclaimed 2001 as the years of Dialogue among cultures and civilization. These resolution called on: “government, the united Nation system, including the united Nation in educational, Scientific and cultural or Organization to plan and implement cultural and Social programmes to promote the consent of dialogue among civilization, through organizing Conferences and seminar and disseminating information and scholarly materials on the subject.” According to UNESCO “ the celebration of the United Nation Year of dialogue among civilization provides the opportunity to emphasize that the present globalization process does not only encompasses economic, financial and technological aspect, but must also focus on human cultural and spiritual dimension and”. This process will ultimately bring about social and cultural integration of various civilization and nation of the world. Thus, there will be one culture that will dominate others, and that culture will be none other than the Masonic inspired culture.

In May ,2001, an international conference on human  rights and Dialogue among civilization was held in Tehran, marking the first step towards the Unification of culture and civilization.  The location of the conference in Tehran, capital of Iran which use to be one of strong hold of the Islamic world is however strategic, owing to the fact that it is only the Islamic culture that has not been buried in the sand of time unlike other civilization and culture of the world. Hence it is the Islamic culture the Masonic west has sought to destroy. 

          During the conference, 27 presentation from representatives of the two predominant civilizations, the Euro-christian and Islamic were submitted. While the representative of the Islamic tradition had religion as it principle of dialogue, the west reasoned that rationality was the common denominator of dialogue. The remains to be asked. Can rationality be religious? Or can religious be  rotational?

          However , one of the high points of the conference was that it was invited the pestilence of  secularism which is the way of the west to the Islamic world. Thus subjecting the populace to do things according to their reason rather than adhere to the revelation from the supreme being. This phenomenon is spreading like wild fire in the Islamic world .

          Knowing full well that the destruction of language is akin to destroying the culture , one other way the Masons are using to bring about the one world culture. Is to destroy the various languages of the world, thus if the language is destroyed, the transmission of their culture to the next generation will be stalled on the other hand they have installed their own language (English) as lingua franca of the world compelling all to learn or be cut off. Hence they have reduced Arabic to a secondary and inferior language in the world.

The New Political Order

          Part of the goal of the new world order is the unipolarisation of politics. The Masons have carefully laid a strong foundation for the realization of this goal. This foundation is the democrasation of most if not all the countries of the world. With the fall of U.S.S R ( a Masonic catalysed fall), there seems to be no opposition to capital democracy. And with this the Masons can further advance their plans for the new political order.

          With democratic fully established, manipulation of the countries of the world has been very easy for the Masons. These democratic nations now look unto the UK and U.S (which are Masonically controlled) as models and try to adjust to look like a real caricature of the west .

          On March 25th ,1957 European Economic community (EEC) now E.U was created to serve as a  testing ground for the new world order.

          Having realized the success of EEC now E.U, the Masons then sought to create other regional block; American and Mexico are the two members of NAFTA. The North America free Trade Agreement. In Quebec, Canada April, 2001 during the conference of the Americans it was concluded that a free Trade Area of the America’s (FTAA) should be created. It however, took effect from the year 2005. However , Cuba was then not included on the agreement because of its non- democratic status, which is against the Masonic agenda. It is  only recently during the administration Barrack Obama that U.S.A,( the important base of the Masons) formalise it diplomatic relation with Cuba.

          Also in June 2001 ,  organization of African Unity (O.A.U) become Africa Union, which is expected to be replica of the European Union . efforts are also on to have something of such in the Asia continent. At the end of the day there will be only four countries (super state) in the world, Europe, America, Africa and Asia. All those mean that in these super state there would be one currency and one Economy and one government. With Masonic super state firmly established in Europe, America and Africa, global Union will be a logical and easy progression. Thus, the emergence of a one-world leader will be easily accomplished. Hence the masons would have finally achieved their aim of world domination.

The New religious order      

          As mentioned before the ultimate aim of the Masons is global domination. In furtherance of this goal the Masons recognize that their plan of global domination hinges completely on subducing the masses to their agenda thus eliminating any opposition to their cause. The greatest threat to their plan, posing more danger than any law or army is the threat of a religious minded person. Hence they must build a godless society and destroy all forms of religious teachings.

          This objective of creating a godless  society  was confirmed at the great Masonic conference of the east held in 1923, the chairman of that conference said”  We must crush religion, for they are the cause of all international Friction ,open war and other calamities” he Then went on to add: “we must work hard and expand more generosity to maintain the existing secular  or anti-clerical laws. Our purpose is the to eradicate all religions from the world. They are our deadliest enemies”

          To corroborate this, the fourth protocol of the Jews reads thus “it is for the reason that we must undermine faith, eradicate from the minds of the gentile the very principles of  God and soul, and replace these conception by Mathematical calculation and materials desires”.

          As a matter of fact, the Mason have succeeded in destroying all religion by separating religion from stake ,such a godless government and society where the recognition of a religion let alone the existence of a god given prominence had already come to existence in the former soviet union now Russia. Every one who has travelled to Russia ,or who has had the opportunity to study the Russian State system in detail is bound to know that mankind has in that system, more or less, lost the human in their being and are now little better than mere Yahoos who posses viscern for feeding and genitals for concupiscencee (lust).

          The man who published the  infamous communist manifesto (who happens to be a german jew), Karl Mark said in 1844 “religion  is the sign of the oppressed creatures, the sentiments of a healess World and soulless conditions. It is the Opinion of the people” Karl Mar argued “ first requisite for the people” happiness is the abolition of religion and provision of materialism “ similar arguments were presented by the Russian communist leaders, Viadimins Lemin who supports the destruction of religion and setting up secularism as a substitute.

          To further buttress the Masonic involvement  on the creation of Godless society there exists an established link between the communist manifesto and the free Mansons. The Mason  were directly implicated in the spadework preceding the Boldshevic  Revolution of 1971. A statement of the great French Masonic lodge of 1904 include the following “Marxism and anti-nationalism are both the off spring of free Masonry. “We have already established the some sort of relationship between free Masonry and the protocols of Zion). Karl Marx had himself been a highly placed member of the mere secrete body within the Masonic movement. In fact, they celebrated communist manifesto was originally published by free masons”.

          The democratic principles or system of government that is now spreading all over the world like a wild fire is an attempt at building a godless society , because the power to govern and make  laws are in the hand of the people thus relegating the creator to the background, making him unimportant, insignificant and totally irrelevant of the scheme of things. From the Muslim perspective, if not that of others, the sovereignty of world belongs to ALLAH; Hence he should give laws and commandment to govern mankind. However, the democratic government of free Masons have sought to question the authority of ALLAH, hence in their own calculation they have succeeded in destroying and removing all form of religions from the government of man.
Will they perish?

          It is evident that  the Mason may have succeeded in creating a godless society that is devoid of significance of Allah and His Law. As earlier stated there has been many personalities and communities in the past that had sought to create a godless society by denying the Law of Allah such includes the people of Nuh, Ad,  Thamud, and Lut. Also on the list was the infamous pharaoh  who declared himself the Lord  most high. In the recent time we also had great empires like the Roman and Persian empires. One thing that is common to all these communities and personalities that had sought to create  godless society is that they were all destroyed. The question that will then arise is that; will the Mason proponent of a godless society perish? Just like what had happened to their  predecessors.

          ALLAH ( S.W.T) say in Suratul Qaf verse 36: “ but how  many generation before them did we destroy (for their sins)- stronger in power than they? then did they wonder through the land ; was there any place of escape (for them)”. In the above, two characteristics of the people that perished are particularly emphasised. The first is their being “stronger in power”. This conveys that the communities, which perished, had established disciplined and strong military- bureaucratic systems and snatched power in the territory they lived through force. The second point is that the aforementioned communities founded big cities distinguished by their impressive architectural characteristics.

          It is important to note that these characteristics belong well to the current Masonic civilization, which has established an elaborate world-culture through today’s information technology and science and has founded centralized states, huge cities , yet denies and ignores Allah, forgetting that all is made possible by His power. But, as it is said in the verse, the civilization they established could not save the communities which perished, since their civilization were based on the denial of Allah. The end of today’s Masonic civilization will not be different as long as it is based on denial of ALLAH (SWT) and mischief on earth.

          Furthermore, ALLAH says in suratul Rum verse 9: “Do they not travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those before them? They were superior to them in strength: they tilled the soil and populated it in greater numbers than these have done: there come to them their messengers with clear (signs).  (which) they rejected, to their own (destruction)”: it was not Allah who wronged them, but they wronged their own souls”. All the communities that had perished had some qualities in common such as: transgressing against Allah, associating partner with Him, behaving arrogantly in the land, wrongfully devouring other’s property, tending to sexual pervesion, and insolence. Another common feature they had was their oppression  and iniquity towards Muslims in their vicinity.  Just last week, Mr. Donald Trump, president of U.S.A  (a Mason control government) breaking all international laws order the attack of an  Airforce  base near Hums town in Syria killing a number of Syrian solders and destroyed the entire Airforce base thereby weaking Syria, a muslim country for Israel. He also order the drop of mother of all bombs  on Muslims in Afghanistan also last week. They tried in every way to intimidate the Muslims. Without any iota of doubt all the aforementioned qualities are the ways of Masons, hence what happened to their predecessor will definitely happen to them.

          Lastly ,Abu Hurairah relates that the holy prophet said; “ the judgment will not be set up till the Muslims fight the jew and a jew will seek to hide himself behind a rock or tree  and the rock or tree will call out: O Muslim, here is a jew hiding behind me come and kill him. But the thorny gharagad will not call out this for its one of the tree of Jew” (Hadith 1826 of Riyadh As-Salihin). Hence the Jews under the guise of the Masons may continue to kill our people  in Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Palestine and More recently in Libya, Syria, Yemen , Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria, Chad, Mali, Niger and Somalia among other places. The prophecy which is stated in the above tradition will give Muslim the opportunity to  take their own pound of flesh by killing the Jews in return for all they had done to the Muslims in the past. This will obviously signal the end of the Mason since its master the jews would have been perished and the world will once again be a peaceful place to live under the laws  of ALLAH (S.W.T).

          Baba Ali Mustapha , is with the Department of Planning and Research, Ministry of Environment, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

For further knowledge on the way forward, consult, the book “THE BIRTH OF A GODLESS SOCIETY, by NURUDEEN FASHOLA, Published by NEWS ERA Institute  for ISLAMIC THOUGHT AND  HERITAGE, printed by OWCOUGER Prints Lagos, Nigeria.

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